Chapter 1

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Marivita's POV

I open my eyes slowly, as my alarm clock goes off at 6:15. Sluggishly I roll out of bed and trip over my wash basket. I can hear my parents talking downstairs in hushed voices. Quietly I go into the bathroom and lock the door, unwrapping the white bandage over my left hand.  

The bandage is stained with blood as the cut had split during the night. I run cold water over the wound, there is an M carved into my hand, and gets deeper every night. I still have no idea what is causing this. I cover my wound with the bandage again. No one needs to know.

 I rush to put my uniform on, the last day of school before the summer break. I swing my backpack on while running down the stairs nearly missing a step and tumbling down. I shove my shoes on and go to walk out the door.

"Mari!" I hear my ma's faint voice call from the kitchen. 

Damn it 

I walk into the kitchen to see ma buttering toast and dad reading the morning newspaper on the dining room table. I hastily sit down across from him, he scoffs at what he's reading and continues to turn the page. 

"Buenos Dias ma," I say and she looks up at me with a wide smile, her curly hair is all over her face so I'm unable to see her eyes. "Morning dad, I really should be going."

"Morning mi amor." She looks excited, "You're not going to school today, you have to pack."

"Pack? For what?" I'm really confused.

"Well, your abuelo has agreed to let us stay with him over in Columbia for a little while." I don't want to go on some dumb holiday, but it'd be good for ma to see her family. "I hope it's ok I haven't been since Carlo- I mean in a long time." I can see by her face it still hurts for her to talk about him.

"A holiday sounds great ma. I can pack later tho I wanna go see all my mates at school first." 

"Lo siento, we'll be leaving tonight." 

TONIGHT!! I can't pack all my things in one night! I'm about the leave when my dad chuckles and tosses his paper towards me. The Madrigals is the headline.

"This family 'claims' they have a miracle-"

"OW!" I yelp as my hand throbs, "Sorry, I don't know what that was... I think it was a sandfly." I lie.

"Ok... anyway it gives them each a gift." He chuckles, "They live in Encanto. People are just trying to feel more important,  I think its all bullshi-"

"You watch your mouth." Ma snaps, "we are going to stay in Encanto, my Padre moved there a few years back. Go pack queride (darling)."

I drag my feet up the stairs and look at my room. I have no idea where to start. I grab a handful of clothes and begin tossing shit into my suitcase. 

This is gonna be boring.

Isabela's POV

"Ughhh, casita can you stop." I groan, I get dressed and walk out of my room. I pass Luisa room, I can hear her still snoring. Abuela, and the rest of the adults have all gone out of town for some magic thing, I wasn't really listening. So I'm now the one in charge. I'm about to walk downstairs when I notice something in the corner of my eye.

Is that one of the gift doors.

I walk over to the door and inspect it. It has an M on the doorknob. Camilo walks up the stairs next to the door holding a mug, his jaw drops and all the water in his mouth drips back into his mug, so gross.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" He yells and points to the door in amazement. I can hear Luisa wake up from that and Mirabel running up the stairs. "Is that a gift door?" He says and takes a sip out of the mug again yuck.

"That's not what it's called"

"Obviously. It has M on the handle," Camilo says and pushes her closer to the door. I move to the side a better look.

"I-I don't- umm..." she keeps bailing on her sentences. "We need to get Abuela"

"They've all gone on that trip remember?" Luisa said. That right, they all left this morning. Did they take Antonio? "I think we let Mirabel try to open it."

"That's a bad idea," Delores said, I didn't even see her arrive. "What if something bad happens."

"It'll be fineeee." Camilo says, "Can I try to touch the door first though, I've always wanted to know what happens if I do. Maybe I get a second gift." He cheers as he begins reaching for the knob.

"CAMILO!" We all shout.

"Jeez, ok fine I won't then" backing away from the door with a grudge. Muttering curses under his breath. "All of you are boring."

"Are we gonna get Mirabel to open the door?" I ask. " the door must be hers."

"I guess I could," she reaches out and grabs the doorknob.

Everything turns into a blur. Casita starts to shake, tiles were falling off the roof. Vines wrap around me, constricting my airflow and I can barely breathe. Camilo keeps shapeshifting into random people, Delores holds her ears with tears in her eyes, and Luisa lost her strength even to walk. Everything was a blur, I thought I was gonna pass out when it all came to a sudden halt and we're all shaking. Mirabel rushes over to Delores who is still holding her hears, sobbing on the ground.

"Are-are you all ok?" She went to help up Delores, "I don't understand what happened."

None of us does.

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