Chapter 19

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Marivita's POV

Explaining to Mirabel what happened made me realise she truely is the best friend I've ever had. She's jumping up and down in excitement for me. I'm really gonna miss her.
She also told me abuela Alma says I'm allowed to go to Delores wedding because Delores herself wants me there anyways.
I find that slightly odd but I don't mind. It's only in a couple days anyways.

We hear a knock at the door and I open it.
"We're going." Ma says with a smile.
"Oh... can I stay a little longer?" I ask.
"No I have something to talk to you about." She says.

That's scares me slightly, the last thing I wanted to hear from her was she want to have a 'talk'.

"I heard your dating the ruana boy." Ma says as we walk out the casita.
"Mum." I groan, "it's not really a discussion who I'm dating. How would you have even know if I am?"
"Oh please, me and Alma saw you two making out from the balcony." Ma says causally
My eyes widen and my checks practically glow red.
"That was how I won my argument." Ma says proudly, "I said it wouldn't be fair to keep young love apart."
I keep my head down. I'm to embarrassed too say anything.
We walk through the front door, abuelo is sitting at the kitchen table. He smiles both with his mouth and with his eyes when he sees me.

"How'd it go?" He says.
"Splendidly, in fact the Madrigals have invited us around for dinner tonight." Ma says.
"You didn't tell me that!" I exclaim. "W-why?"
"If you and Camilo are going to start dating our family's need to get along." Ma says.
"You discussed this with Alma?" I say
"Sì, Alma also wishes to put your gift to good use." She says.

I role my eyes and sit down to play cards with abuelo for a while.
I lose basically every match so I just wander back to my room, I'm not much of a cards girl anyways.
Somethings different about it, the window has been left open only a crack.

A note is neatly placed on my pillow. Saying,
You'll need this.
Under the note is a ring, silver and thick but plain. I pick it up, it's cold and light. I slip it onto my middle finger and it changes. It swirls around my fingers, forming into a brass knuckle. I frown, I thought I got a sword...

"I was going to ask if you're ready seeing you didn't answer me." Ma says frowning, "what are you doing?"
"I was ah... I found this and was checking it out." I lie, I hate lying.
"Isn't that a weapon?" She questions.
"Yes." I say putting my hands on my hips.
"Get ready." She says dismissively, walking out of the room.

I rummage through my draws and find a short dress. The sleeves are a transparent purple which continues across my collar bone and down into a pattern of atoms. I think it's kinda cool.
The dress itself is black but the dark purple almost makes the black seem lighter somehow. I like it.
I don't put on any make up besides for mascara and eyeliner. I leave my hair down and put on the silver ring which keeps its original shape this time.

I walk out to the kitchen area. Ma shakes her head looking at me.

"That'll do." She sighs.
"I think ella está muy bonita (she is very pretty). " Abuelo says, putting a smile on my face.

We walk outside, it's dark so it must be past 6:30 now.

Ma knocks on the casitas door Delores answers it. She looks nice, her dress is different it's all yellow but still off the shoulders.

She walks us to their dinning room. Julieta is placing food in the middle of the table neatly. Plates are lined up and yellow chairs surround it all. The food smells amazing.
Slowly everyone makes their way down to the dinning room.

I sit next to Mirabel and Luisa sits the other side of me. Across the table is Delores with Pepa one side and Camilo. He smiles at me and waves. Delores nudges him and whispers something in his ear which he seems to disagree upon.

Abuela sits down last at the head of the table greeting us. Although I know she still doesn't like me. We all begin to grab servings of food when Delores suddenly stands up, Camilo tries to pull her back down but she doesn't budge.

"I need to tell mirabel something." She says "Mari switch seats."

She walks over to me and drags my chair out from under me and gestures for me to take her seat. I walk over and sit down, Camilo is blushing and Delores is whispering something in Mirabel's ear that makes her snicker.

Pepa passes me a bowl and I put a small portion on my plate. I notice Camilo glancing at me sideways. He frowns for some reason.

"Your a lefty?" He asks, has he never noticed.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Huh. Never knew." He says grabbing some corn.
We all start eat, Camilo practically inhales his food and Pepa tells him multiple time to slow down but he doesn't. It's funny to watch.
I'm only half way through my meal by the time he finishes.

Julieta starts small talk with me seeing Agustin is deep in conversation with abuelo.

"How has staying here been, different from Australia?" She says
"Well in Australia i didn't have some gift where I could have anything I want appear in front of me." I say
"That's an advantage." She says. "how do you go for school?"
"I go alri-" a rat runs across my lap and I squeal. I bang my knees on the table and almost flip it over. Camilo puts a hand on my thigh as if he's holding me down.
"Everything ok?" Julieta asks.
"Fine," I say, pinching Camilo's arm under the table but he doesn't pull away. "Something just ran... It doesn't matter."
"Okay. Well when do you start school again?" She says.
"I probably won't make it to another year of school." I realise what I said and cover my mouth, Bruno looks up at me sympathetically.

"You're going to school." Ma says suddenly tuning in to the conversation.
"Yeah I didn't mean that." I say, pushing around the food on my plate.
I've lost my appetite.

Everyone kinda goes quiet, not because of me. There's nothing to really talk about anymore.

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