Chapter 26

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Marivita's POV

Jesus he's loud when he wants to be.

"Camilo it's going to be ok." I try smiling and he looks back down at me, wiping dirt off my cheek.

I close my eyes, I'm so tired. I can't keep them open. He shakes me so I open my eyes, he's crying violently.

I shiver in pain, looking into his hurt eyes. All the cuts marking his pure skin.

I reach up and place a hand on his cheek.

"Cam..." I whisper, "I love you."

With that I use the last of my energy. I focus hard on every armed man in the area, trying to kill us. I In hale a deep breath as they all start crumpling to the ground. My hands glow a dark purple light, as all the damage around me seems to fix itself.

"I love you too, hermosa" he whispers, planting a kiss on my forehead.

My eyelids feel to heavy to keep open and I let them shut. All the noise muffles to a slight ringing, all my pain deteriorated.  My body feels lighter than air.

Camilo's POV

I wake up from a bad dream, I'm drenched in sweat but I can't remember the dream for the life of me.
I go to put my clothes on. Strange... my ruana is ripped and has blood on it. I shrug my shoulder and grab a new one out of my draw, it's a light green. I don't like it much so I'll have to get mama to fix the other one up. I grab Mari (the chameleon) and put him in my shoulder and walk downstairs.

Delores eyes are red and puffy.
"What's wrong?" I say.

She looks up at me in disbelief and runs over to me, giving my a hug.
"Why are you so sad?" I say wiping a tear rolling down her face.
"Camilo they're gone..." she says, "they're gone how co- why don't you remember?"
"Who's gone? The only one leaving was Evita but that's not till next week." I say. "And she promise she'll find a way to stay."
She takes a shaky breath in, "Camilo... Anto- Mari... they're dead."

I laugh, it's not a funny joke but I laugh. "They're not dead, they wouldn't have died." I say, "Antonio's door would be-" I look up to where his door once was, "gone..."

Dolores bursts into tears. I don't understand what's happening.

"Th-this isn't a funny prank." I say pushing away from her. My vision starts to blur.
"Camilo they died! Mari died in your arms!" She says almost pleading.

A single tear drops down my face, the dream. It wasn't a dream. It happened, she did die. It was my fault. She was shot because of me, I was to weak to fight for myself.

I run, I don't know where I'm running to I just run. Tears stick to my eyelashes. Maybe if I run quick enough it'll all be over. I could still just be dreaming... a really long dream.

It's pouring with rain and thunder, the wind nearly swept me off my feet. The weather has never been this out of control.

I run out of the village, the encanto. I keep going.

I can't breathe causing me to slow down.
I open my eyes.
I'm lost.

Panic sets in, I didn't even look where I was going. I've gone past the mountains, past anything I recognise.

I'm in some kind of forest, sheltered from the rain.

I sit down at the base of a thick tree and curl up into a ball.
It's pathetic I know but I cry, I cry to the point I physically can't anymore.

I remember. Her smile as she told me she loves me. She knew she was going to die. The look in her eyes. It wasn't shock, or pain or longing to live, it was acseptance.
She knew that was her fate. To save everyone. But she left me with no one.

I punch a root from the tree.
Was this Bruno's vision.
I punch the tree again and again in frustration and anger.

"This is just a dream," I say to myself, ripping my hair, I punch the tree again hoping this time it won't hurt. Proving this is all fake. My knuckle split, causing them to bleed.

I sit and cry more.
She's not gone, she's not gone.
I repeat those words over and over again. I don't know how this is helping. The more I say it the less I can believe it.

"Dearie?" I hear the voice of a frail old lady say. I looks up, snot dripping down my face. She's supported by a walking cane. "You're far away from home."

I put my head back into my knees, can she just fuck off.
She takes a seat next to me.

"She was a great girl." The lady says, "such a shame she let her love get in the way of her life." I sniffle, wiping my nose. "The moment I met her mother I felt sorry for the woman. I'd never sensed such pain and grief one must go through. Looking at you I realise you'll have to go through the same."

I shake me head and turn away from her, she's crazy. Legit crazy.
This woman didn't know evita. 

"Yo-you don't know her!" My voice shakes. "She- no one knows  her better that..."

I don't know her, I know the person she wants me to know but I don't know her.
"Dearie, you knew her." Her words cut deep. "She's dead. Died. She's past tense now, she's a memory."

I look down at my bleeding hands. I clench the hard.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I grit my teeth. "I love her, people you love don't just leave."
"She didn't leave...
She died."

Why was that what made my mine click. She is dead. She's not an Is anymore just a was.

I breathe in sharply.

"Let me take you home." The woman says kindly. "I'll fix you up a cup of tea in my shack."

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