Chapter 23

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Dolores POV

I send Mariano to get me another drink. On his way back I notice the hundreds of horses galloping towards the encanto are getting closer. I need to warn people.

I see Mari walking past, perfect.

"Mari!" I panic, getting her attention, "I really need a microphone."

She looks up at me and I didn't realise she was in tears.

"Are you o-" I begin to say.

"Here," She says dully, putting a mic in my hand.
Speakers are set up all around me. I look back for her but she's gone.

Mirabel's POV
I'm helping ma with Natarlia when Mari walks into the kitchen. She looks like she's about to cry. Natarlia suddenly looks pleased with herself but there's no way that's why she's crying.
"What happened?" I ask sorrowfully, giving her a hug. "Are you hurt?"
She'd never cry about being hurt, that was a dumb question.
She shakes her head but her lip begins to quiver.
Quickly I usher her up to my room and sit her down on the spare bed.
She takes a few deep breaths and wipes away the remaining tears.

"You want to tell me what's up?" I calmly say.
"Camilo." Her voice cracks but she doesn't start crying again.
"What about Camilo?" I question.
She stands up and leans against my sewing table.
"We got into a fight and really I think it is my fault and maybe he is right." She begins to ramble, "I just didn't think what he said would hurt so much, and I know I shouldn't have punched, I know that." She's angry, chunks of my sewing table are disintegrating behind her. "But he kept at me, he didn't seem like Camilo. He seemed like someone else. He called me an embarrassment, he said I was inconsiderate."

I can't believe Camilo would go that far. Sure he has his moments but not like this.
He's bottled up his emotions for years.

"And I hate this, I hate all of this. Abs I'm fucking in love with him, I don't want to be but I am.  It just doesn't work between us. I thought I wouldn't get attached to him." She says frustrated.
"You love him?" That's all I took out of that.
Her cheeks go red,
"N- no I don't!" She stutters, that's doubt.
"You're in love!" I sing happily. "We're going to be cousins in law. You're going to be a Madrigal!"
"That's not, no!" She says sternly, "I'm not. Me and Camilo are in a bad spot."
"You had one fight, big deal." I say, "he's madly in love with you anyways."
She doesn't want to hear this.

No one has ever made him smile the way she do and she does it so effortlessly. He sits and talks to me and Dolores about her for hours. Never has he fallen for someone this badly.

I'm cut off by the sound of a speaker backlash piercing the air.
We both walk out of the room and peer over the balcony.
Dolores is standing there, holding her ears tight. That would have really hurt for her.

"Everyone." She's into the mic, panic striking her voice.  "I need everyone in the village to find safe hiding places."
"Why?" Someone shouts out from the crowd, clearly, he's had too many drinks.
"Because... because we're under attack." She says.
People start panicking and muttering all over the place. I watch as abuela walks up to Dolores who whispers something to her. Even abuela looks scared now.
She takes the mic off Dolores, "everyone you need to stay calm. People who wish to help us stay here, everyone else go home immediately. Please warn the others."

A whole crowd rushes out of the casita, about 20 people are leftover from the guests Most are Felix's family. I've never seen Dolores look so scared.
Mari and I rush down the stairs to know what's going on.
"What's happening?" I say.
"The soldiers, the ones that kill- ruined my old home." Abuela says, "Dolores says their coming, and they want the candle."
"Why!?" Luisa says.
"They believe that they to can get gifts because Mari had gotten one," Dolores says. "They're getting closer."
"No shit they're getting closer," Carlos says, Alroy slaps him on the back of the head. "Ow!"
"Watch your mouth." Alroy snaps.
Tío Bruno comes running to us all. I realise Mari doesn't look the slightest bit surprised, just a little anxious.
"Bruno had a vision about this." She shrugs.
"WHAT!?" Everyone says in unison, turning their heads to Bruno and back to Mari.
"Ehh, yes." He says. "I told Marivita because someone needed to know."
"Our casita, our Encanto is in grave danger." Abuela says, "and you didn't tell us anything."
"I hinted to Pepa." Bruno guiltily says, making a thunderstorm appear about her head.

"I say we prepare to fight." Mari says. "First we get everyone safe of course and tell people they need to fight."
"You know you're  so hot when you boss people around." Carlos smirks.
Tío Alroy whacks him on the back of the head again. 
"What if they don't want-" I get cut off.
"They have swords and they aren't up for negotiation." Dolores says.

Silently everyone agrees that preparing to fight might just be the best idea.
The adults are starting to plan something out. I notice Mari is gone.

Marivita's POV

My hands can't stop shaking. I find myself in front of my door, I look so calm on the engravings. I certainly don't feel calm.
I take in a deep breath and open the door.

The room is as messy as I remember it to be. All the football trophies and flags. The countless pages of notes on his desk. The black bedsheets that were never washed.
I close the door behind me.
The only light is his bedside lamp.
I'm half surprised half not to see the notebook he left me sitting on the bedside table.
I open it.

Every page has written in his usual terrible handwriting. I miss insulting each letter he wrote.

I'll see you soon Evita.

That's all it said, every page being the same, I'll see you soon Evita. Or he's calls me chick or Mari. Didn't matter what it all meant the same thing.
I flick right to the end of the notebook. The corner of the paper that is glued to the cardboard is loose.
I peel it off and under it is a new fraise.
You won't be with me for long ;)
I scoff and throw the book on the ground. He's dead, I can't see the dead. Even if I do die there's no afterlife. No chance I'll ever see him again...

I hear a light knock at the door and it's opened before I can contradict.
Camilo walks in and sits down next to me. It's so easy to forgive him. I lean my head in his shoulder as he holds my hand.

"Im scared to die." I say, his jaw tightens.
"You're not going to die, not till you're old and wrinkly like abuela." He says, slightly uncertain. "I wouldn't let you die. I don't know what I'd do if you did."
"Move on. Find a girl nicer, one that doesn't ruin weddings." I sigh and he turns to face me.
"I meant none of that." He says sternly. "I was so worked up about everything. It's not an excuse I really-"
"I get it. It's fine." I love him. "I would be pretty pissed off at me too."
A tear creeps up in his eye, "I'm really scared."
I hug him tight. "It's all going to be ok."
"What if you do die?" He sniffs.
"He Cam?" I chuckle, "I won't leave you. I'll always be around."

He smiles sheepishly and looks around the room.
"Didn't think you'd  actually come in here." He laughs.
I didn't think so ether.

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