Chapter 20

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Camilo's POV
2:30 am
It was late when we all fell asleep. Evita, Mirabel and I were talking for ages until abuela told us to go to bed and I had to leave.
I can't sleep tho, I've been awake all night. I just want to see her again.
I try closing my eyes but it doesn't work.
I can't help myself.

I slower walk to Mirabel's room, careful not to be loud so I won't wake Dolores. I probably look estúpido (stupid) doing it tho, I wonder what people think.  The door creaks open as I walk into the room.
It's to dark for me to see but I know this room off by heart. I sit on the end of the spare bed looking at Evita's relaxed face.

She turn over slowly and looks at me, a crocked sleepy smile on her face.

"Hey Camilo." She says sluggishly
I smile in return.
She rolls back over in the bed.
"Go to sleep, niño bonito (pretty boy)." She yawns.

I grab her out of the bed. She squeals as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm gonna fall, put me down!" She yelps, holding on tighter.
"You're gonna wake Mirabel be quiet." I say carrying her out the room.

"Oops." I say pretending to drop her, she practically screams.
I can't breathe, that's how hard she's holding my neck. I chuckle and puts me down slowly.

"Can you guys shut up." I see Delores the other side of the balcony with her hair down and stripy pyjamas, "Marino's trying to sleep."
"Uh, he's not meant to be here... You gonna have kisses with him?" I say with a smirk.
"You want mami to know, you're sneaking a niña into your room. Mama would not be muy feliz (very happy)." Delores retaliates.

I role my eyes and walk over to my room, sticking my tongue out at Dolores as we pass.

Evita sits on top of my chest of draws, quite boyishly. The only light in the room is the purple glow from some weird floating orb, which most of the mirrors reflect.
"Why so many mirrors?" She say, leaning her head against the wall.
I shrug, didn't really think much of it, "came with the room. I guess it helps me remember what I look like."

"Why'd you need to wake me up again." She yawns.

"Just wanted to see your cara bonita (pretty face)." I tease.
She sighs dramatically, "you're  so needy."
"Needy?" I say leaning close to her face, "I wouldn't say that hermosa."
"You're lucky I like you cause  I could punched you again right now." She smiles sweetly. Her humor is strange and I like it. "I didn't like you much when we first met."
I smile, I had watched her gaze at the mural of my family and thought she was going to be cool. "first time I meet you I thought your were beautiful."

She laughs, I wish I could read her mind. That was the gift I wanted, so I could help everyone by knowing exactly what they wanted. I guess this was the next best thing.
Evita pulls brings my head down closer to her. I'm leaning so far forward our chest are touching.

I frown. "You're not tired?"

She just smirks at me.
She gasps as I press my lips to hers, cold and silky.
I wrap an arm round her waist pulling her closer towards me. The other hand on her chin.
I kiss her harder, slowly slipping my tongue in.
She shivers as I run my hand up her shirt, pulling her even closer.
She runs her hands through my hair and wraps her legs around my waist.
I continue to slide my hand up her shirt, it lifting as I do.
I pull away from the kiss and press my lips against her neck, gently kissing it.

"Camilo please stop," She whisper, pulling her shirt back down.
I pull my head away and froM her. I can feel the warmth of her breath against my chin. Our bodies are knotted around each other.

I look over my shoulder and my cheeks go red with embarrassment. "I-wasn't- I don't- I mean-"
"I know," She says calmly, "I'm just really tired."

I nod, "Lo siento mi amor."
I pull away from her, wishing for her warmth again.
We climb into bed and she makes the light flicker off. She really can do anything with her gift.
I pull her close to me, she feels cold all over.
"Buenas noches mi amor." I whisper.
She's already asleep again, drooling slightly on the pillow.
"Te quiero." I whisper.

Marivita's POV
2 days later (Dolores' wedding)

I'm so excited I practically jump out of bed. I haven't been to a wedding in a long time. Not many people were invited I noticed. Well all of Felìx and Agustín family was invited which made it a lot larger.

There's a dress laid out on my draws. Ma and I sewed it together, Camilo tried to help but ended up cutting one of the sleeves to short. It didn't matter to me. I love the dress ether way.

It's a dark navy blue that goes down to my ankles. It's long sleeve, was meant to be at least. We had to make one really short. The fabric is like silk.

Ma is wearing the other dress we had made. A nice light green that has leaves all over it. She looks gorgeous. I run and hug her, I've only seen photos of her looking this. Like on her wedding day, when she was young and happy. She hugs me back, I feel her smile against my cheek.

"You coming hermosa?" Camilo says outside my bedroom door.

I do a little makeup and fix my hair and straighten my dress. "Sì"

I walk out the room. Camilo is holding flowers for me. He's dressed in a completely black suit with a orange tie. 
"Aw thank you." I say giving him a  kiss on the cheek. "Wheres your signature yellow gone?"
"Orange is your favorite," he says.
"You remember that?" I say kinda shocked.

Ma comes round the corner, the widest grin on her face. She has a camera in hand.

"Let me take a photo." She says holding the camera up.

I roll my eyes but agree anyways.
Camilo wraps a hand around my waist and leans his chin on my should. I smile politely but ma gives us a weird look. I glance to the side and Camilo has his tongue out. It makes me laugh, I grab it.  He try's to pull back. The camera flashes.

"Gross." Camilo spits, whipping his tongue with his sleeve.

The photo prints out, ma hands it to us with a smile.
I think it's my favourite photo.

Camilo puts it in his pocket.

"Vamos mi amor." Camilo says skipping out the door.
He can't contain his joy.

"You look beautiful mi hija." Ma whispers in my ear.
I laugh, "only cause you made this dress."
"You've pick the right boy." She smiles. "Better then the ones I ever did. Come on papa!"
"Coming." Abuelo calls out.

We all walk to the casita.

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