June 6th, 2026

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My new mom got this journal for me today. I think it's because I haven't said a word to her yet.

Thursday was a normal day for me. Nothing was out of the ordinary. I went to school, chatted with my best friend, Javia at lunch and then after school, we stopped by the bookstore to browse. I found a fantasy novel that caught my eye and took that back with me. It was all normal until we got back to the house.

I told Javia that she could go home, but she insisted on staying with me as Miss Ballard was talking to another woman and shooting glances at me every so often.

"I think she's going to send me off with that woman," I said, my palms getting sweaty. I had put the book under my arm and watched them closely.

"That woman looks familiar for some reason," Javia mumbled. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pinpoint where I knew her from either.

Not until I was standing right in front of her ten minutes later. I wanted to run away, especially since it was Taylor Swift. I knew nothing about her, except that she was a famous singer and I wanted to keep it at that. She doesn't need to know me either.

"Taylor wants to take you home tonight," Miss Ballard told me. If anything, Taylor should have taken her home. The excitement that radiated off of Miss Ballard seemed ironic because it should have been me who was that excited. Instead, I felt fight or flight kicking in.

I looked to the owner of the group home and tried to shake my head to tell her that I didn't want this to happen, but she was already turned around, getting papers out for Taylor to sign. At that point, Javia was gone and I couldn't do anything about this, so I sucked it up.

Now it's late Saturday morning. Taylor just announced that she was going to start on lunch and I'm currently sitting on a bed that's not mine and writing in a journal about how crazy this whole situation is.

You see, she doesn't terrify me - at least not the traditionally terrifying way - but I feel compelled to talk to her and accept her as my new mom and that terrifies me. I did it once before and it only turned out to be a shit show and I was back at Miss Ballard's group home.

Well, if I ever end up talking to her, maybe I'll ask her why she chose me and not someone like Sydney or Halle. Bianca has a bit of a criminal record, but at least she would have been talking up a storm by now. Why me then?

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