June 26th, 2026

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Today was a little better. Other than Taylor sticking close to me the whole day and checking in with me a lot, and then the incident... today was okay, I guess.

I understand that she's concerned because of my little breakdown last night, but I would like some space to breathe. I'm not comfortable with people being around me all the time. I've only just gotten comfortable with Taylor but having her watching me constantly is making me revert back to being uncomfortable with her.

Gladly, halfway through the day, Joe suggested that we go to the park since everyone was home today. Michael was enthusiastic with the idea and immediately went to get ready. I was just happy to get some fresh air and maybe distance myself from Taylor a bit.

So, a little while later, we set of to the park.

Upon getting there, Michael was begging me to play tag with him, so I agreed happily. After establishing boundaries in order to keep within Taylor and Joe's sight (mainly for Michael's safety), we began. He wanted me to start as the tagger so he ran away from me as fast as he could with the ten second head start I gave him. Then I ran after him at a pace that wasn't very fast for me but matched his.

We went back and forth tagging each other and restarting the game. He had me laughing as he would hide behind trees and then pop out with a funny look on his face. I let him win for a while before he had to be tagged to start another round.

At this point, I had forgotten all about Taylor's concern for me and I felt free.

When Michael got bored of tag, he enlisted Taylor's help to push him on the swings. Not knowing how to join in with that and wanting space from Taylor, I decided to sit on the bench with Joe. About a foot or two was left unoccupied between us, leaving me to feel comfortable enough with the situation. I want to get to know Joe, so I figured I could at least sit with him.

I've come to notice he's a quiet guy himself and I like that. With him, there's no pressure to strike up a conversation. We can just sit and watch Taylor push Michael on the swings or listen to the birds or watch the people passing us on the paths. It was nice.

Minutes into our time sitting together, I heard my name and turned to look at Joe. He had a smile on his face as he attempted to sign, "my name is Joe. What is your name?"

I giggled, surprised that he had already started learning sign. I could have sworn that Taylor and I only had this conversation a few days ago.

I struggled to remember what I once knew, but at least the basics were pretty much engraved in my brain.

So I signed back, "my name is Emma. How are you?"

He got a thoughtful look on his face before realization replaced that. "Oh, I know that," he said, making me laugh again.

Slowly, he signed, "I'm good."

We stopped at that since our knowledge of sign is still limited, but after that little interaction, I had a newfound appreciation for Joe. He was really a nice guy just like Taylor but more quiet about it.

We sat in silence for another few minutes before Taylor and Michael came back, but that was when the worst thing happened.

Taylor was looking through her bag for her water bottle to let Michael have a drink and in that time, he wandered a few steps over to the other side of the path, more interested in a leaf on the ground. I was the only one with my full attention on him since Joe was talking to Taylor about something.

Maybe they knew that I was watching him, but I'm still not sure. Thankfully, I was because within a few seconds people with cameras were coming up the path towards us. Michael being unaware of the situation, crouched down on the ground and played with the woodchips as the strangers neared.

All that I could see at first were the people coming towards Michael, beginning to ask him questions and leaning down to his level. I faintly heard Taylor and Joe call for him through the crowd that quickly formed around us, but it was to none of my concern as I saw a clear path to the little boy.

Of course I wasn't being swarmed as bad because people hardly knew who I was which made grabbing Michael easier. He was confused when I pushed through the crowd with him on my hip, but I couldn't answer his questions. I was too scared myself. Joe was able to push out of the crowd to take Michael in his own arms and that's when I bolted.

"Emma!" Taylor called after me but I couldn't stop. The fear was taking over me. I had never seen a swarm of camera people before so how else was I meant to respond.

I hid behind a tree, trying to catch my breath as my heart raced. Tears pooled in my eyes and on top of being confused, I felt so humiliated at the fact that I was almost crying over this. This might be something that happens a lot for Taylor and Joe since they're famous, but I don't know.

I worked on my breathing, noticing the noise of the crowd disappearing slowly. A moment later, footsteps made their way over to me and I hoped it was Taylor.

I was glad it was when I collided with her chest and held her tight, her familiar scent calming me down. She rubbed my back and kissed the side of my head.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I should have known. I should have prepared you for that," she said before pulling back. I glanced up at her only to see a sorry expression on her face. She looked so guilty.

She wiped my tears away.

"Are you okay? Did they say anything to you or touch you?" She asked.

I shook my head, going back to rest my head on her chest. "I'm okay."

Now Taylor had just finished explaining what the paparazzi are to me. I don't like this part of them being famous at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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