June 11th, 2026

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Yesterday was uneventful, that's why I didn't write anything, but today had a few highlights.

Alesha found me again and taunted me a little more than last time. She didn't push me into a locker today, but she shoved me as she left. Thankfully, I wasn't late to class again.

I have a feeling that Taylor didn't believe me when I told her why I was late to class, but that could also be in my head. She may have thought hardly anything about it. Again, I don't know anything about her so I'm not quite sure what to expect.

Javia found me after school and met Michael. He liked her and she liked him. She's always been better with kids than me. So as we walked him to the car, Javia asked me if I had gotten the clear from Taylor for her to come over.

"You can come over tomorrow night. Taylor also said you could stay the night if you wanted," I told her.

An excited smile broke out on her face. "Nice! I can't wait."

We used to see each other a lot more when I was in the group home even though Javia has a family and a home. She lives on the same street as the group home which meant we hung out most evenings. 

"I'll check with my mom if I can stay the night," she said.

I nodded, turning to Micheal who tapped my arm to get my attention just as we reached the road.

He thought about what we was going to say for a second, then he continued with his question. "Why don't you talk to Mommy?"

I froze, unable to answer his question. Javia watched me try to figure out what to say in response. I could talk to my best friend and I could talk to my new adoptive brother, but I couldn't talk to my new mom or dad.

"To be honest, I don't really know."

That answer confused him more, but I didn't know what else to say to him so I ushered him towards the car, saying goodbye to Javia.

The car ride was uneventful and so were the first three hours of being home from school.

After dinner, I had started writing a part of this journal entry when Taylor had come in to talk to me. I let her sit on the bed beside me and I stuffed my journal under the blankets.

"Honey," she began, "I just wanted to check in."

I nodded and played with my fingers in my lap.

Taylor continued, "do you feel comfortable here?"

It was not the question I expected her to ask. She seemed apprehensive, either about asking the question or the answer she would get.

I nodded almost immediately. A hint of a smile crossed her face.

She turned her gaze to her lap for a moment as she asked, "do I make you feel comfortable?"

I nodded when she looked at me again.

I took in a deep breath and forced out the words that were on the tip of my tongue, "I-I don't say anything because I'm unsure about everyone I meet and talking has only gotten me in trouble in the past."

I could see her trying to hide her surprise as she nodded understandably. "Talking is not going to get you in trouble here. Unless, of course, you're saying something mean or you swear, but that's it. Having an opinion is not going to get you in trouble here."

I nodded. "Thank you."

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