June 20th, 2026 Continued

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We went to the movie -- Joe, Michael and I. Michael sat in the middle of us ans even though my knee was hurting so bad, his little giggles made me smile. The movie was good and I know I would've been able to enjoy it even more if I wasn't in pain.

Joe knows I don't talk much and I don't think I've talked to him directly before, but he was able to tell that something was different with me and that shocked me. When we got to the car, he asked if I was feeling okay. I nodded and he justified his worry by saying he just thought he'd ask since I looked a little down.

I made it home, Michael talking excitedly about the movie helped to take my mind off of the pain. I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas before I decided to actually look at my knee.

I unwrapped the bandage, hoping that it would be a little more closer to being healed, but the sight that greets me makes me want to scream.

Whatever I did made it so much worse.

I tried to dab at it to clean it but it only made the pain shoot up my leg. So I settled on just putting another bandage over it for now. I would have to figure out what to do with it -- or at least that's what I was thinking at the time.

My night continued on as normal while I ignored my injury. I was already in bed, supposed to be sleeping, when Taylor finally got home.

I gave her a little while to talk to Joe before I worked up the courage to do what I should have done at the start. The pain was unbearable whenever I moved my leg, so it overpowered my fear of talking and being vulnerable with Taylor.

I left my room when their chatting died down and conveniently I ran into Taylor in the hall. She looked tired, but smiled at me.

"Was your night good?" She asked.

I nodded and hesitated to say what I needed to. I kept looking down to my feet which seemed to concern her.

"Sweetheart, come with me, okay?" She said, so I followed her into her room. She gestured for me to sit on her bed as she changed into comfortable clothes and took her makeup off. "What's on your mind?"

She asked so gently that it was easier for me to open up.

"Um... I hid something from you and I'm so sorry," I said, my voice hoarse from not talking for a little while.

She titled her head but crouched down in front of me, looking up to meet my eyes. "What is it, honey?"

My eyes started to tear up as I revealed it. "I scraped my knee a couple days ago and it's-- it hurts so much."

"Thank you for telling me. Can I take a look at it?" She asked softly. I was so taken aback by her words, but slowly lifted my pant leg and let her remove the bandage when she asked to do so.

I remember feeling scared in that moment. Scared of Taylor's reaction. Scared that she might not be as gentle once she realizes how bad it is. I quickly noticed, though, that I didn't need to be scared of anything.

She let out a little gasp at the sight. "Oh, Emma. This really needs cleaned. Can I clean it for you right now?"

I nodded and she took me into her bathroom, letting me sit on the floor as she kneeled in front of me with the first aid kit. I don't know what enabled me to speak next, completely unprompted, but I did and it successfully surprised both of us.

"Will it hurt?" I had asked in almost a whisper.

"When I'm cleaning it?"

I nodded.

She looked at me sadly. "A little bit, but if you need a break at anytime then just tap my arm, okay?"

I let her start and tried to bare all that I could. I got through her cleaning it until the very end, where I had to tap her arm because it was becoming overwhelming.

"You okay?" She asked.

I shook my head as I felt the tears coming. I didn't want to cry, not in front of Taylor.

"What's wrong?" She put everything down and turned to me, a concerned expression on her face. "A little too much, is it?"

I nodded, really needing a hug in that moment, but I was not about to ask for one. She does hold out her hand, though, so I place mine in hers and feel her squeeze gently. The tears were held back as I sat with Taylor holding my hand. It was peaceful, even though my knee was hurting, but we eventually had to return to cleaning it.

I let her do what she had to and when the bandage was placed around my knee, I felt like I could finally relax.

She helped me up after putting the first aid kit away and then, what I hadn't expected, she pulled me into her arms.

"Thank you, Taylor," I said quietly.

"Anytime, but please remember that you can come to me about anything, okay? I just want to help," she said, giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.

I had to tell her how the scrape happened so I didn't go in detail but gave her the truth. Someone had pushed me and I fell hard on it. She didn't seem to suspect anything which is good. I'm not ready for her to find out about the bullying situation.

Emma-Lou // Taylor Swift Adoption FicWhere stories live. Discover now