June 12th, 2026

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Javia came home with us today. In the car, Taylor asked her questions about herself and about school. They were questions that she wouldn't ask me simply because I couldn't answer them. In a way, it made me feel like I failed at being her adoptive daughter. She adopted me because she wanted a daughter that she could bond with and spend time with, right? Instead, she got a daughter that didn't even talk to her.

Of course, I kept silent the whole ride.

When we got back, I showed Javia around and then Taylor announced that dinner would be ready in less than an hour so I took her up to my room.

"Wow! This place is huge!" She said.

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Taylor seems really nice."

She looked around my new room and commented on how much bigger and nicer it is than my room at the group home.

That room was small and probably not meant to fit two twin beds. My roommate that I had when I first got there was a girl a year younger than me. Miss Ballard liked to keep the roommates the same gender and close to the same age so that everyone felt comfortable, but what was ironic is that I didn't feel comfortable with this girl at all. I couldn't speak up to Miss Ballard so I went another few months rooming with this girl.

She made me uncomfortable because she would make jokes about things like death and jokes that made her talk bad about herself. It was things that shouldn't be joked about. Then, what would have been the worst of it, was that she would make me try to talk to her. The more she pushed, the more anxious I got. It was to the point that I couldn't stand the anxiety anymore and I thought it would stop it by doing what she wanted.

It didn't.

I eventually had to speak up to Miss Ballard. It was impossible for me to say anything to her for a long time, but the pain and anxiety that I was feeling from my roommate outweighed the fear of talking to Miss Ballard for a moment.

I got my room changed to the roommate that I've had up till last week. Her name is Angela, but she prefers Anna. She's fifteen and the oldest out of us all. It was much more pleasant having her as my roommate.

Anyways... off topic.

While waiting for dinner, Javia and I played a card game, something we always used to do whenever we had time to spend with each other. She won, of course. She's good at these things.

We went to dinner three rounds later. I was expecting it to be a quiet dinner or a dinner where I would be listening to Taylor and Joe talk to Javia, but when we got down there, Taylor already had her plate filled. She told us what there was, having made a variety to ensure that we would get something we liked.

I also noticed that the house was quiet with no sight of Joe or Michael. I wanted to ask where they were, but the words just wouldn't come out.

Not yet, I thought.

"You two can have the island to yourself. I'm going to eat in the living room. Joe's still at work and Michael won't come and bother you. He's occupied for at least another hour with Frozen 2." She chuckled at the end of her sentence. "If there's anything you need, you know where I am."

I nodded, satisfied with the fact that she answered my question and also that she was able to tell that this made me a lot more comfortable. I didn't expect her to notice my anxiety.

"Thanks, Ms. Swift!" Javia called over my shoulder.

Taylor turned around and smiled. "Of course, and please, just call me Taylor, sweetheart."

We ate dinner and had a full conversation, something I wouldn't be able to do with the rest of them here.

Afterwards, we went upstairs to go back to my room, but Javia pulled me back before we got there. I gave her a curious look, but she only pointed ahead of us. She had spotted the piano and remembered how I told her about my numerous lessons from when I was younger and not an orphan.

"I don't know if I'm allowed to play that and plus, last time I played was years ago when you guys still had that piano at your house," I said.

She nudged me towards it. "Come on, you'll still be just as good."

"What if Taylor doesn't want anyone touching it?" I questioned, but stared at it, wanting to play something. Anything.

"She wouldn't have it sitting out in the family room if she wanted it to stay untouched. Also, pianos are meant to be played."

I rolled my eyes at her justification. "Fine, but I'm not going to play much. I can't have Taylor be mad at me."

"She won't! Trust me," Javia said, guiding me towards it.

I took in a deep breath as I took a seat and inspected the keys although it was just another piano. The same as all the rest. I racked my brain for something to play and finally landed on Liability by Lorde.

I played the first verse apprehensively, but when Javia took a seat beside me and started to sing along, I got a little more confident. I quietly sang for the chorus, but hearing myself play the piano again encouraged me to enjoy this as much as I could. So I sang, and really sang like I used to.

We were on the second chorus, nearly finished the song when I thought I heard footsteps on the stairs. Javia told me to finish the song, so I tried to ignore all other noises around us.

And on the last bar, I noticed the figure standing in the doorway. I felt my heart drop to my stomach in fear. I turned to face the figure, but there stood Taylor, a wide smile on her face. She clapped for us, easing my fear, and came over to stand by us.

"I didn't know you could play, Emma," she said. I shrugged. I wanted to apologize for using her piano without asking. "You have a beautiful voice, too."

I smiled. "Thank you. I... I'm sorry for using your piano without asking."

"You have nothing to apologize for. This is your house now, too," she said and took a seat on the arm of a nearby chair.

I nodded and although I began to fidget again, I felt myself growing more comfortable around Taylor.

"Do you sing a lot?" She asked.

I said, "yeah. When I can."

"How about you, Javia?"

She smiled as she answered. "Yeah, I love to sing."

Taylor beamed. "Would you guys want to sing a song with me?"

We immediately agreed and she sat in between us on the piano bench. Her hands skimmed over the keys before playing a few chords of no song in particular.

"Song suggestions that I might know?" She questioned.

I racked my brain, but I doubted she would know much of what I listen to. I was surprised, though, when Javia mentioned a song by Selena Gomez.

Selena's our favorite artist and one we listen to regularly. We always talk about going to see her in concert some day and that day may come sooner than we thought when Taylor nearly freaked out.

"She's my best friend!" She had exclaimed.

I shared a look with my own best friend. We couldn't believe it.

"She's, like, our all-time favorite singer." Javia fangirled.

We proceeded to sing Lose You To Love Me. Taylor played the chords and sang along with us, giving us each little solos in the song. I was hesitant when she stopped singing for me, but the fear I usually felt was significantly less. I sang as if it was just Javia and I.

At the end, she engulfed us both in a hug and said that she was honored to sing with us. We laughed and for a moment, I wanted to melt into her touch. It was the first time in a while that I felt completely safe and cared-for.

Emma-Lou // Taylor Swift Adoption FicWhere stories live. Discover now