the Burrow

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He starts spinning faster and faster but he stays impassive, back then he used to get sick of traveling by floo. But Portkeying is by far still the worst way of transport in the wizarding world.

As he slows down he gracefully exits the fireplace of the Weasleys' kitchen.

Fred immediately turns to him with a grin. "Did he eat it?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah," says Harry with a hint of mirth in his voice. "What was it?" He asks just to keep up the pretence of not knowing the future and with that the joke shop the twins want to launch in Diagon Alley.

"Ton-Tongue Toffee," says Fred brightly. "George and I invented them, and we've been looking for someone to test them on all summer...."

"Seems as though they are a success but your father won't be happy." Harry shakes his head, just then his eyes travel to the men sitting at the table and he immediately recognises them as Charlie and Bill Weasley, the oldest of the Weasley family. His eyes narrow in concentration, those two are also very important pieces to the greater scheme in the end. But how should he best incorporate them and how can he get Charlie and Tonks together. That's another leverage he needs to take away from Dumbledore.

Inform Theo of his further thoughts and plans and meet him as soon as possible, in his musings he doesn't even notice Mrs. Weasley approaching them and eying her husband suspiciously.

Harry then looks at the woman and suppresses the urge to throw a tirade of curses at her. He can never forgive her for what she did to him, especially not to Theo. This seemingly kind and motherly woman was anything but.

"I hope this is not again about the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

Harry can't take it anymore and glares at the red haired woman he once considered a mother.

"What the twins do with their life lies not within your control Mrs. Weasley. They are great at what they do and if they wish to pursue a joke shop then they have every right to. As parents you are supposed to guide your children on the correct path but never try to control them." Hermione is about to intervene but Harry silences her with a wave of his hands.

"I don't want to hear it Hermione I won't back down on this matter. I didn't come to the Burrow to see my favourite twins get their dreams crushed! So listen Mrs. Weasley, you don't control the lives of your children!"

"Harry, this has nothing to do with you, go with Ron and Ginn-"

Harry shakes his head with a fiery glare. "As I said before if they aren't interested in the ministry work, which honestly is a relief, then they should just do what they do best. Fred and George are geniuses in their own way and right. Certainly their products still have a lot of safety issues but with time and dedication they will manage. And you had no right to burn their forms. You should be proud that they are already taking their own lives in their hands and becoming independent. If you continue pushing them towards a goal they don't want to pursue you will lose them. They won't want to have anything to do with you, because your toxic behaviour is suffocating them. Heed my words Molly Weasley."

Harry huffs and leaves a stunned room in silence behind him. The twins with unshed tears in their eyes.

Harry sighs and walks up the stairs towards Percy's room. Another pawn under Dumbledore's influence. Before Percy died he told Harry that he was sorry for everything. That he never meant to hurt anybody and now that he is younger his mind is more maleable than later and since he hasn't been long enough with the ministry to be corrupted to the point of no return, this is a matter of now or never.

He knocks on the door waiting for the young wizard. The door soon opens.

"Hello Percy, may I come in? I need to talk to you. I'm aware you are currently working on your report but this is serious."

"Fine, just hurry up please. Also what's with all the ruckus?"

Harry smiles softly. "The twins and their WWW. Mrs. Weasley still wants them to work at the ministry but Fred and George don't want that. Honestly I have no idea what is wrong with your family. But this brings me exactly to the pressuring matters. Do you trust me Percy Weasley?" Harry earnestly searches the older wizard's blue eyes.

"I don't understand what you are talking about Harry. But what gave you the impression that I didn't trust you? Of course I do." The bespectacled Weasley smiles at him, something he hasn't done in a long while. Harry sighs with relief and then pushes his magic against the young man's head. Memories entering Percy's mind in slow succession.

Harry sees how his face morphs more and more into horror, regret and pain. His hands then his entire body starts shaking.

"All I'm saying is if you help me we can stop this future from ever happening. I've set a few things in motion for the plan. I will have to discuss the further specifics with my brother in all but blood."

Sobs rake Percy's whole body as he grabs at anything he can get to. He needs something to support him Harry quickly moves towards him and wraps the older man in his arms and rocks them back and forth. His magic humming around them.

"I just want to help you while I still can, I'm sorry I didn't do anything the first time around but I'm here now." Harry whispers softly into Percy's ear.

"But how c-could that have happened? Why didn't I realise earlier? What's going to happen Harry? I never want to see them all dying. So tell me why did they die?"

Harry sighs and nods softly. "Fred was the first to die, during the battle of Hogwarts, during my seventh year. Then Charlie while trying to protect a village from muggles after Dumbledore reintroduced the wizarding community to the mundane world. He fought valiantly. Then Bill and Fleur they were holding up a few wizards from the light side of the conflict, giving most of us refugees the time to escape. They ended up getting killed by the killing curse. As for George the deaths of everyone were weighing him down and he ended up committing suicide. You don't know just how much that hurt. You on the other hand finally saw reason and died right in front of me after... After Ronald killed you. I remember the words you told me. I ran away and went into hiding once more I rekindled my relationship with Draco and met Theodore. But about a year later Draco was caught and kissed together with his wife. They left their son an orphan and I could do nothing but watch. Theo and I were all alone and planning to go back to that point in time when everything started going down hill."

Percy clings tightly onto Harry's clothes, wetting his shirt with tears. Harry smiles solemnly. He slowly runs his hands through Percy's hair and hums a soft tune.

"Now then, all I'm asking is for your cooperation. Think you are up for the task?"

Percy nods after a while, rubbing the tears off his face. "I'm sorry for my actions, I would do anything just to keep everyone safe, but why did you choose me?"

"Because I kept my promise to you, I promised I would tell you first. And I need you at the ministry to keep taps on everything. Sort of like a spy within. Anyway I should get going, we don't want to worry little Ron now do we?" A mischievous yet evil grin graces the raven's features.

Percy shivers but nods. "You should probably go down and help with getting the table set."

Harry shakes his head. "Not before going to the twins, knowing them they've probably holed themselves up in their room. I'll be going down soon. As for you, you should take a break and enjoy your family while you still can."

"That I will. Thank you Harry and thank you for trusting me."

Harry nods with a sympathetic smile and leaves the older man's room. He quickly rushes up the flight of rickety stairs towards the twins' room.

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