the astronomy tower

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Harry is beyond furious as he holds the blasted arrival of the daily prophet in front of Cedric's nose, up in the astronomy tower. Today marks the eighth of November. Ever since the publication of Rita's article, life has become even worse for Harry within the confines of the castle, and the article turned out to be not so much a report on the tournament as a highly coloured life story of Harry. Harry shouldn't have given the woman so much leeway, he should have warned the parchment she was writing on.

Much of the front page was given over to a picture of Harry; the article (continuing on pages two, six, and seven) are all about Harry, the names of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang champions (misspelled) have been squashed into the last line of the article, and Cedric wasn't even mentioned at all.

"Can you believe her audacity?! She didn't even mention you and you are the star of Hogwarts, or at least that's what you are to me. I just can't believe that woman's nerve!"

Harry still gets a sick, burning feeling of anger in his stomach every time he thinks about the bloody article. Rita Skeeter reported him saying an awful lot of things that he has never said in his entire life, let alone in that room. He will just have to make her life hell, beginning with building up his contacts again, now that he has the Espoirs and his father it should not prove to be too difficult.

"Harry, you have to calm down, I don't mind not even being mentioned, I know for a fact you'd be much more furious if my name would've been misspelled."

"Well yes, but that doesn't excuse that bitch for ruining my perfectly peachy day!"

Cedric sighs and looks up at his pacing mate. "Please don't call Skeeter that. And honestly, I'm fine."

Harry stops in his tracks and sits next to Cedric on the ground. "You're not! So don't lie to me about this. You know I'm here for you."

"Hm. I know that and that's one of the many things I love about you."

Harry smiles and then remembers the fact that he hasn't told Cedric the full truth about his heritage.

"Hey, Ced?"


"Would you be mad at me if I've kept something about myself from you? It's nothing terrible, I swear!"

Cedric thinks for a moment, "Well it depends, you know I can't stay mad at you for prolonged periods of time. This however doesn't mean I wouldn't be hurt."

Harry looks away, "Right... As you know my parents aren't James and Lily Potter, but I believe my appearance is prove enough of that."

Cedric blinks then sighs and leans his head on Harry's shoulder. "You never told me this, while sure I could figure, it would have been nice if you could've told me earlier. If there is anything else I ought to know then please tell me. You know you can trust me." He hugs Harry from the side.

Harry uncomfortably bites his lips, thinking whether or not to tell Cedric slowly the entire truth and what's truly going to happen. Will he be mad at him? Disappointed? Or worse will Cedric break up with him? He doesn't want that and he's scared.

"I promise not to leave you, you don't have to be scared. I want you to be able to trust me, Harry, please!"

Harry slowly nods and leans into Cedric. With a long sigh, he concedes. "As I was saying, my parents aren't Lily and James, but rather Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. A lot of unfortunate events happened, one after the other. Their memories have been modified. But I've been capable to get professor Snape's memories back. Currently, we are trying to start over."

Cedric doesn't look convinced. "But they are both men! How can they have a child unless they adopt? It just doesn't fit in my brain."

Harry smiles sadly, "This is why I hate the ministry. Cedric," Harry rests his hands on Cedric's cheeks, making him look up, "there is a reason why magic chooses to bind two souls. How else do you believe would mates have offspring? I know how you feel, I've been there before."

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