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The next morning Cedric wakes up to a headache, he groans and rubs his temples. The events of the previous day come crashing back into him. He shivers in trepidation, then shakes his head and heads to the bathroom of the Hufflepuff common room. How can he be better at his prefect duties? He tried his best and still he lost control over the situation, of course given that professor Moody is mostly to blame. But Cedric was completely paralyzed in shock and fear for Malfoy.

He walks up the stairs to the great hall, maybe after breakfast his thought process will come to life and he can do his best in his classes today as well as his essay on the three unforgivables. He shudders at the thought, he doesn't know just what to write, he has no idea of too many consequences the curses can leave. The cruciatus, nerve and possible brain damage, Avada Kedavra, an instant death, but the imperius, he has no idea about.

"Hey, sorry again for yesterday. Do you mind if I sit here?" Harry's soft voice carries over to him. Cedric numbly nods and gestures to the seat across from him. He realizes that he's alone at his side of the table. Upon looking around he notices that not many students are at the table, mainly those who wake up extra early or suffer from sleep deprivation. He never realised just how early he woke up today. 

"You seem upset, is there anything I can help you with?"

Grey eyes meet concerned green. He sighs after a short while, closes his eyes and braces himself. "I guess I need help with DADA already. It's never been one of my best subjects."

"I see, what about?"

"The unforgivables."

Harry nods and contemplates for a while. "They aren't that bad... Well putting them under different light of course. Ever thought of using the Cruciatus on someone paralyzed?"

Cedric shakes his head, of course he hasn't. Why would he think of something like that? What use would that even have?

Harry continues, "The torturing curse is essentially like the electric chair in the Muggle world, the electric chair is a form of execution, where you are strapped against a chair and are exposed to high voltage electricity, which will lead to death. The first human to be executed via electrocution was William Kemmler, he was convicted for murdering his girlfriend with an axe. He had an electrode strapped to his head and back, and was at first subjected to 1000 volt for 17 seconds, but he was still alive, after a while the executioners decided to double the voltage up to 2000 volt and turned the electric flow on for 70 seconds. The Cruciatus works pretty similarly."

Horrified the brunette stares at his younger friend, muggles do such a thing?! They have things that rival the unforgivables? Just the thought alone is terrifying.

Harry smiles at him sympathetically. "Yes, that's what muggles are capable of, their science makes them just as advanced as us with our magic. It's the reason they were able to decimate us so easily during the past future. I won't let that happen as long as I can help it. But I can't do it alone and as such I'm asking you again, Cedric Diggory, will you help me uncover the truth and show the world who the real villains are?"

Cedric looks at the outstretched hand and this time with little hesitation takes ahold of Harry's hand in his.

"I promise to do that. But first I need to prepare for school and I'm also thinking of putting my name in the goblet."

Harry's eyes widen in sudden realization. "Oh, right. I forgot about that amidst all the school work. I guess there are also a few heads up I need to tell you about for the upcoming tasks."

Cedric nods looks down at his empty plate, he's really hungry right now.

"You should eat. I noticed you didn't eat properly yesterday. I'm worried about you, if I can help you in any other way, don't shy away to ask me."

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