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They enter a sort of ritual room, in the middle of it are the Espoir twins and Theodore.

"And here I thought we'd be alone," Cedric mumbles underneath his breath. Harry chuckles lightly.

"Sorry, I should have told you. But I wanted to invite you to the Samhain ritual, we have always upheld it for the past three years. And I want you to be part of it this year."

Cedric nods slowly, not knowing whether to be disappointed or honoured. Then he notices that the French-speaking twins shouldn't know of Harry and Theo being from the future, so why are they here and not questioning?

Rafaël seemingly noticing his confusion gives a small laugh before explaining. "I'm sure you must be asking why Vic and I aren't asking about anyzing at all. It's because our mozer is one of the last Oracles." Rafaël expectantly looks at his brother.

"An Oracle, is a creature of ancient times, zey are still connected to ze old religion."

"The old Religion? What is that."

Harry places a hand on his shoulder and looks up into his grey eyes. "There's a lot of things you still don't know about magic and a lot of these things will never be taught to you, simply because the ministry doesn't want you to know."

Cedric can understand that, somewhat. He has grown to question the ministry over the past few weeks, all thanks to Harry, and with that, he isn't trying to badmouth his mate, on the contrary. These past few weeks have been the best of his life and he wouldn't change them for anything else. Not Hufflepuff or the recognition of his father. He loves this Gryffindor so much, that it's painful sometimes. Especially if he imagines losing the other.

"As I was saying, an Oracle or ze Oracles are the creatures zat send prophecies and visions to seers. And zat's what our mozer is. So naturally somezing of zat magic 'as been passed down to us."

Cedric nods and turns back to Harry, who leads him down by the circle in the middle of the room, candles lit all around them, bathing everything in a flickering golden light. "And what do we need to do for the ritual?" He lays out his question looking at every resident in the room.

"Actually, we already finished preparing while you and Harry had that talk in the side chamber."

At that Cedric turns back to Harry with a slight frown.

"Hey! I already apologized, what else do you want me to do?"

"To tell me important information such as that!" Cedric huffs and proceeds to mimic the twins. They stand on a different side of the drawn circle on the ground.

Theo soon joins and Harry stands opposite the Slytherin. "Where should I go? And what do I need to do?"

"All you need to do is concentrate to keep your magic flowing into the circle and connection. Well essentially, with combined powers, tear the veil between the living and the dead to communicate with our deceased family members and share one night with them before they need to return to the land of the dead." Theo explains with a blank expression. Cedric nods.

In other words, he has to focus for a prolonged period of time and send a steady flow of magic.

He looks at the boys around the room as they all expertly take on identical stances, he quickly copies them and the air around him shifts. The magic gently crackles and intermingles like small tongues with one another. He feels another magical wave tickle his core and beckon out a release from his body. He stops struggling and is overcome by intense joy and strength. He didn't think he'd feel like that. He thought it'd be difficult to uphold so much magic. It's amazing, soothing and just so very inexplicable. He looks around as the circle in the middle lights up and starts swirling as the magic intensifies over the places they are standing and forms lines that draw runes all around. The patterns swirling and sloping in gentle waves. The room starts glowing in a soft blue light. He almost gasps out in wonder but holds back, too scared of disrupting the magic and ending the ritual. The more intense the magic around him becomes the easier  it feels to maintain his magic. He looks at his arms, which are glowing with the same blue as the runes on the ground.

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