13- Friend's Day Out

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this was requested by the lovely @BlackLivesMatter111! love the username btw :)
btw this is fem! reader
also sorry I haven't been updating as fast, I'm currently hyper fixated on danganronpa, and camilo motivation was kinda thrown out the window :p

Your POV

I cackled as Carlos (my best friend of four years) told me about his encounter with a tiny lizard when he visited Florida. 

"And then I started I told it- in Spanish- to crawl onto my hand. AND IT DID!" he says, making insane gestures with his arms as he spoke.

I giggle, "Are you for real? That's so cool!"

We continue talking and walking around the town before arriving at a small cafe. 

"I'm getting kinda hungry, you wanna stop here and get something?" Carlos asks, nodding towards the cafe door.

"Sure!" I say happily. I grab his arm and yank him inside.

We sit down at a little table with two chairs facing each other. A barista greets us and asks what we would like to drink.

I order a (favorite drink) and Carlos gets a caramel latte. We continue chatting but I look out the window and see some guy staring into the window, looking right at me.

Something about it seems familiar, but I brush it off once Carlos calls my name.

"Y/N, are you alright?" he asks.

I respond, "Yep! Never better."

He looks at me with disbelief and shrugs, and we continue talking about our lives and such.


"Thanks for today, Carlos. I had so much fun!" I say. It's sunset, and Carlos (being the gentleman he is) offered to walk me home. 

He smiles, "Of course! It was great catching up with you."

I give him a hug and enter my house to immediately be greeted by my mother.

"Hija, you're back! How was your day with Carlos?" She asks, wiping her hands on her apron. I look at the table and see Camilo, my boyfriend sitting at it, looking a little grumpy.

"Hey Camilo! And it was great! Apparently he became a lizard tamer in Florida and named one of them Cap," (iykyk) I say, grabbing a little bowl of Postre de Natas and sitting next to my boyfriend.

Camilo sighs, "Sounds like you had a blast. Just you two. Alone."

I give him a weird look and say, "Excuse us, mom."

I yank his arm and we walk to my room (my Postre de Natas still in hand) and I sit him down on my bed.

"What's wrong? Why are you so grumpy right now?" I say, crossing my arms and setting my desert on the nightstand.

He scoffs, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because my girlfriend went out with another guy. Alone. Without telling me even who he is. Why wouldn't I be at least a little agitated?" 

"I did so tell you who he is! I said I'm spending the day with my friend Carlos who I haven't seen in months! Don't you ever listen to me?" I retort, a little pit of guilt forming in my stomach.

"No, it's you who doesn't listen to me!" Camilo's voice starts to get louder. "I tell you to let me know where you are at all times. You're just casually at a table for two with a guy friend?"

I spit back, "Dios Mio, am I not allowed to have friends anymore? I introduced you to Carlos before we started dating!"

This lasted for a while. Camilo's jealousy getting the best of him wasn't bad, normally. He's never lashed out at me like this.

"If you love being with him so much why don't you just leave, huh?" 


I step back a little in shock, not even knowing what to say.

"Camilo... you really think I want to leave you for my friend?" I say, voice strained and near breaking.

He stays silent and looks at his hands in his lap. 

I sigh and say, "I'll talk to you in the morning."

Camilo gets up off of my bed and leaves my room without another word.

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