Half Blood

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(Kai'sa's Point of View)

Crystallized feathers greeted my eyes the moment I peeked. I froze not knowing what to even feel about it. Those wings...it wasn't the same as I remember. His feathers used to be so soft to the touch but now, I doubt it feels the same.

I was scared, even when it was stretched fully it still trembled as if it was cold. His wings covered the room when it stretched wide enough.

I felt my own breath and it felt like I was tired but I was just...scared. The pressure was enough to keep me still and it just made me wonder how. How did it change? It used to be so colorful whenever I held it before and I'm sure it was soft but those. Those crystals won't greet me the same way.

I swallowed a lump down my dry throat when it just reminded me those times are already gone. Though it did make me feel like we're the same, his wings felt much more capable as a weapon. The edges showed their sharpness and it brimmed it's strength to push anyone away. The new one's aren't any better when their roots were slowly turning purple.

I was wondering why he didn't let us near this room, was it because it was where he usually stay when his feathers start to change? I looked down in disappointment when I could remember our elementary years. Being the only Vastayan that had something floating behind her, I was the target of their tease as they kept tapping and pulling these wings of mine. I never told anyone of what happened but Y/N, when he figured it out, Y/N  came to my aid. I chuckled at the present time when I remembered how he came and punched those bullies without even hearing them. He did it all as he spread his wings to its limits, to them it may felt threatening but to me who was crying behind him, I saw a symbol of protection when it felt warm and secured.

I heard Y/N grunt and then sigh breaking my trance to the past. It made me look again as I raised my eyes, he was kneeling on the ground and I saw how his body was full of scars and burn marks. It must have been tough for him to carry his own weight alone in such a place, it's shameless of me to compare the things I've been through not knowing a friend was suffering much more. I unconsciously smiled when I accepted that fact and focused back on my eyes only to see how his wings flapped slowly to help Y/N stand up. He faced at the door and I could see how muscular he was, it was a shame seeing how the scars and burn marks didn't spare that side of him. I looked into his eyes which was looking at the ground as he phanted and sighed.

He took in some deep breaths and quickly retracted his wings which was a little interesting considering its size but it seems like Y/N had no trouble doing it, I was jealous he could do that but I should also take some pride on my own. Mine had no feathers which prevented me from flying but it does help me speed up my sprint, Y/N had his feathers crystallized and it was way bigger than mine in comparison.

"No need to hide yourself, your breathing way too loud," Y/N said in his usual tone which made me flinch. Right, I was supposed to be hiding. I sighed and stood up before slowly opening the door, I owe him an apology for peeking at it even when he told me not to. I walked inside the room as I observed the feathers scattered on the floor, I assume it was the cause of those sounds.

"Why did you have to hide this? I-I mean we already know this side of you," I asked as I observed the feathers. Unlike the one we saw on the book, this had a pure scarlet color and I could see my reflection when I looked at it closely. Y/N just chuckled and wore his shirt before grabbing his coat that was lying on top of the table.

"Is it wrong for me to think a little selfish?" Y/N replied making me flinch when he was right. I'm not as close to him as I used to, I guess we might stay like this for a long time. I could only nod in response but I noticed him grab 3 feathers before taking the book that me and Akali looked at.

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