Chp 25

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Hermione's Pov:

I hadn't even realized that the boys were all sitting over in the booth the entire time. When we heard their laughter, I almost fell out of my chair trying to see where it was coming from.

And this time they had Theodore Nott with them.

Pansy led us over to the table and slid in beside Theo. After getting settled, she leaned into his shoulder, causing him to smile as he looked down at her.

Looks like they were telling the truth.

I smiled at everyone as we stopped at the front of the booth. Ginny nonchalantly sat down in the spot next to Blaise. Which left me to glare at her as I slid next to Malfoy on the opposite side of the table.

His silver eyes watched me as I moved next to him, almost as if teasing me. 

"Hey, Granger."

I smiled at him, "Hi."

The group settled down and took a moment to take each other in. Ginny and I were definitely in new territory for a pair of Gryffindors, but for some reason, I didn't feel nervous at all.

"So," Theo said, as he leaned back and glanced around at everyone. "What's been happening while Pansy and I were gone?"

"We were going to ask you the same," Blaise snorted, as he passed everyone a fresh mug of Butterbeer.

The Slytherin smirked as he took a sip of his drink. "Nothing much to be honest. How about y'all?"

"Y'all?" Ginny laughed.

Malfoy chuckled next to me, "Theo is from America."

I blinked with surprise, "What about your accent?"

Ginny laughed, "Ah, so that's why you weren't in any of our classes today."

The entire table erupted in laughter as the American rolled his eyes and took a long sip from his butterbeer, trying poorly to hide the grin that was plastered all over his face.

"What made your family move out here?" I asked as I took a sip of my butterbeer. "Also, it's nice to meet you, Theo."

"Nice to meet you," he said as he wrapped his arm around Pansy. "And honestly, it's a long story."

"You went to Ilvermorny?" Ginny asked.

"Mhmm," he nodded as he set down his finished cup. "End of the day. Hogwarts is better."

"Of course it is!"

"That goes without saying."

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