Chp 7

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Draco's Pov

My new roommate was charming. 

After a door slammed upstairs, I headed straight for the exit. The place was magnificent, but I would rather fight a dragon than stick around and risk dealing with Granger again. Plus, I needed to go find Blaise.

I ran to the stairs and headed down towards the dungeons. If there was one upside to being stuck as Head Boy, it would the fact that I could now pretty much do whatever I wanted. 

No more having to sneak around in the shadows.

Who knows? Maybe this would be a little fun. Every night, I get to hunt down students dumb enough to think they could hide from me. 

Sounds like a good time to me.

The castle was quiet.

My footsteps being the only noise that echoed across the empty corridors and the old gentle haven that Hogwarts was.

I stepped off the end of the Grand Staircase, narrowly escaping the sudden shift in the steps behind me. I turned into the main walkway that would eventually reach the narrow descent that led down to the dungeons.

The walls were made from smooth stone with hand-carved Archways that stretched out across the ceiling.

Even from down here, I could smell the maturity of the wood and see the tiniest etch marks left behind from its original construction. 

A true masterpiece.

It was often assumed by many that I hated Hogwarts, and in a way, I guess that was true. But not in the way that most people might think.

What I despised were the idiots that crowded the hallways and clogged up the staircases. How teachers were borderline insane, and people genuinely felt uncomfortable around a good few of them.

The people were the issue, not the actual castle itself.

Personally, I loved the castle. The woodwork that scaled the walls and extended throughout the castle's interior was nothing short of extraordinary.

The ancient stone that we walked across was one-of-a-kind and, despite its simplicity, one of the most valuable parts of the castle.

I traced my hand on the wooden archway as I rounded the top of the stairs and headed downstairs.

When I reached the bottom, I turned down the corridor and walked over to the portrait. Ignoring the guttural snores of the paintings I passed. I muttered the password and stepped inside. 

There was no sign of Pansy or Theo, but I quickly found Blaise asleep on the couch. The fireplace was dimly lit, causing the rest of the room to fade into blackness. 

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