Chp 6

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Draco's Pov

Head Boy? Bloody hell mother what did you do??

Once I stepped into the office, my chest and head began to burn again. I closed my eyes and tried to push down the feeling, now wasn't the time to show weakness.

Thankfully, the pain had subsided for the most part and it was now just an annoying itch. 

I wish I knew what was causing this to happen. 

Apparently, Blaise did know and before he could tell me, Pansy and Theo showed up. He was searching for someone in the Great Hall after we sat down. 

I shook my head. I wasn't going to find out on my own, and the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get back to Blaise and find out what's really going on.

I looked around the room as I stepped in, and despite it being the first time I was in here, I was surprised. 

The walls were covered with parts of ships and paintings of past Headmasters. I scanned the portraits until I found I found my old mentor. Snape watched me with a knowing look, no doubt the same expression he would be wearing now if I was in his doorway.

On the floor, there were different designs on large sheets spread out across the room, almost like the sails of different ships. The air was thick with the smell of saltwater. There was a large desk in the center of the room, and on it, a random little turtle was trying to climb into a cup. 

I always figured being a headmaster was prestigious, but from what I could tell, the old man sitting at the desk seemed to have just moved a bunch of stuff in with him.

McGonagall was watching me from across the room with clear disdain. I held my gaze with her until I noticed something move out of the corner of my vision.

My eyes wandered over to one of the seats in front of the headmaster's desk until they were met by a glare. Sitting in front of me was one of my least favorite people.


For a moment, the room was silent. Even the turtle had stopped his struggle to see what was going to happen next. 

The words "Head Boy" were stuck in the air. I was now signed up to deal with stupid little children instead of enjoying the nice weather in my common room.

The silence was finally broken by Granger, "You have got to be kidding. Malfoy is a death eater and a bully, how can he possibly be qualified to be Head Boy?"

McGonagall looked at the old man expectantly.


It seemed like she was also in the dark about this. I might start liking this new guy after all.

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