Chp 4

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Draco's Pov

"I keep telling you mate, she was totally into me."

Blaise laughed as I shook my head, "The only thing she was interested in was that potion essay on your desk."

"You're just jealous," Blaise stated as he sat up and looked over his shoulder, "she and I ended up going to the Yule Ball together."

I looked up at him, "wait, didn't you go to the Ball with Honeydew?"

He nodded and smiled, "Yeah, she was one hell of a date. In fact," he looked over my shoulder towards the Ravenclaw car, "I wonder if she's coming back this year, I should give it a shot."

"What you should do is tell me who Theo's going with," I sighed as I looked out the window at the nighttime sky. We were getting closer to the castle.

Blaise turned back and grinned, "Oh no way, I want to see your reaction."

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the world pass by our window.

I'll never admit it out loud, but I really missed Blaise.

I hadn't been around anyone other than mother since the summer began, and trust me, it was nice to be around him again. Even if it was just sitting around and having some drinks.

He and I had been best friends ever since we were able to walk. Our mothers had been great friends their whole lives, and when they found out they were pregnant at the same time, our fates were set.

It wasn't always sunshine and rainbows though.

Once our families had gotten caught up with Voldemort, we stuck together in order to survive. We both used to confide in each other about our fathers, and when one of us was scared or needed a place to stay, we'd sneak over to each other's house.

There were always so many people coming and going. Who would have noticed two little boys slipping away?

Eventually, we had gotten pretty good at sneaking around, and once our Hogwarts days arrived, we became pros. That stupid little squib Filtch never could catch us, and we made sure he knew it every chance we got.

Peeves was the only person he hated more than us.

We both tried out for the team in our first year, but when they asked our ages, we were turned away. And despite popular opinion, we didn't make the team second year because of my father donating new brooms, it was because we practiced all summer and nailed the tryouts.

We made sure we had good grades, and of course, we reminded each other that sometimes a girl that one of us liked, was south of a nine.

We were brothers.

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