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The worst things in life come free to us.

-The A Team by Ed Sheeran 


The snow had started falling right after she left. That was a bad sign, I guess. But really, what was I supposed to do? Go after her and beg for forgiveness while Ashley stayed glued to my side and watching me like a hawk? No. I would talk to her at school on Monday. Maybe even earlier. I couldn't leave her upset that long, because it somehow just pained my heart.

"So how long have you two been. . . talking?" Ashley said, choosing her words carefully as jealousy was emphasized in every one of them, though she attempted politeness. I could hear Evan and the others all cheering loudly. The game had apparently started. Game on.

"She's in my English class," I told Ashley calmly. "Lola's a junior. She was just asking about an assignment." I hated how easily the lie spilled out. And I also felt bad for Lola. As if I had betrayed her just by using a few simple words, lying by not admitting that she was merely just a friend. Well, I didn't know if that was true either.

I barely even knew her, after all.


"It's raining," he says, his voice smooth and gentle like fluffy snow.

"Yeah," I mumble dumbly, squinting up at the night sky, trying to avoid any raindrops leaking into my eyes. The sound of the music from the 80's and the cars driving on the road and the drone of the conversations from the people inside the little, almost empty cafe make the night seem perfect. Infinite. Beautiful.

"Do you remember," Dave starts as my gaze lowers back to meet his brown eyes, "a few weeks after we started dating in the winter, and we were standing outside this shop and I asked you to dance with me? While it snowed and this boring 80's music played?"

I laugh softly and nod. "How could I forget?" I chuckle slightly to myself and look down, tucking a strand of my black hair behind my ear before looking back up again. His face is perfectly crafted. It is as if some professional sculptor had taken every good feature on someone's face and just molded it onto Dave's. It was just this perfect. His jawline is sharp and structured, his teeth are straight and white, along with full lips, and his eyes. His eyes. They make you melt when you look in them. They are like chocolate and--

"I think it started out something like this," Dave says, pulling my body closer to him and taking my right hand in his, his other hand gently placing itself on my waist. I smile.. Though I don't know the song that is playing and I am wet from the rain, it doesn't matter here and now. This is perfect, and that is the only world to describe it.

Dave starts swaying our bodies left and right, teasing me. I laugh and say, "And then I did something like this," right before I take his hand and spin him around.

"Oh that's right, we switched roles," says Dave, "Fine. I'll be the girl and you be the guy, so I get to boss you around and nag you and you get to set up all the dates and make me happy."

"Hey," I playfully slap his arm as our bodies come back together, "that was extremely sexist. Guys do plenty of nagging and bossing around."

"Yet the guys still plan all the dates."


"You love it when I talk. You dream about my voice."

"You're so full of yourself."


I giggle right before he brings me into a dip, which takes me by surprise. "And then I did this," he says softly. But like always, he catches me. He never lets me fall.

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