8 Luca

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After an agonizing hour with the triplets I felt naked and exposed even though no one had removed a single stitch of clothing. They were looking at each other, and all checking their phones. I was missing something. These three held the key I needed to find Evie.

"I have no more secrets, I think you know more than anyone else alive about me right now. I just want to find Evie, I just want a chance to talk to her again." I was pleading with them now. I had spent too much time locked in this room, time I could be roaming the city just looking for her scent in the air.

"Sara went silent." Alicia said, looking at her sisters.

"Michi sent her a text saying we thought you would be good for Evie thirty minutes ago." Kaylen said.

"Sara has wanted Evie since she met her, but Evie isn't interested in women. At all." Michi admitted, looked at her sisters for reassurance. They all nodded. Agreeing.

"Since they aren't here yet, they are at Club 1" Alicia told me. "Sara loves it there."

"It's a maze" Michi added. "Like literally." She emphasized which did not bolster my spirits.

"If Evie is truly yours, you will find her there. Sara is used to getting her way..." Kaylen trailed off.

"We've known Sara her whole life, she wants a reason to keep you away from Evie. That's why she used us to stall when she realized you might follow them here." Alicia stated, looked at her sisters, all looking like they had betrayed their cousin.

"Evie hasn't had it easy, just promise us you'll be the absolute best to her right?" Michi said, each of the sisters already pushing me towards the door, and out to the street. One of them yelling, "Evie doesn't know THE SECRET yet." Fuck how had she lived with a shifter for years without learning about the hidden world just out of sight to most humans. Cats themselves didn't have fated mates not like wolves, they did imprint on certain people their feline side wanted. Usually more than one person. Really cats and dragons had a lot more in common than either would ever want to admit.

Once again I was running, too quick in mixed company down the street. I had to. I had a destination, where Evie was promised to be. I could start to pick up her scent as I made my way to the entrance to the one of the largest single clubs in the entire city. There were so many other bodies, so many other scents drawing my attention. Evie stood out like a beacon against a dark sky. Obvious over everything else competing for my attention.

Following my senses I ignored everything other than the scent of my mate in the air. She was ginger and lemon balm, strong and sharp in my nose. Evie had an edge, one I was willing to cut myself on just to be near her. Entering the first bar from this entrance my senses were almost instantly overwhelmed.

The Sisters were not kidding when they said this place was a maze. I had made my way through four separate bars and dance hall rooms, each with a different theme and music that was far too loud. Her tantalizing scent was everywhere and distant at the same time. Sara could drag Evie to another location anywhere in the city at any time and it would take me hours to search this place to even realize she wasn't here anymore. The building was almost the entire block, they could exit onto one of four different streets. It would be impossible to find them if they left.

My wolf was anxious, trying to push forward. I was twenty nine now, we had been waiting so long to find our mate. Playing cat and mouse with an actual cat was not enjoyable. I pushed my way through another crowded space. Into a bar I had already searched. Having gotten turned around and disoriented in the frantic never ending clubs. Growling in frustration I tried to find a bar I hadn't searched, any indication of where Evie could be.

Then I saw just the briefest flash of long, shining black hair and a perfect ass in a backless red glittering dress as she walked through a doorway on the opposite side of the bar I was in. Her scent fresh in my nose as I doggedly pushed through another crowd. My eyes never leaving where she had just walked through.

Pushing through a wall of heavy beaded curtains, finally I had found her. Sara had pulled her to the center of the dance floor, rainbow lights flashing all around. Evie was dancing like no one was watching, eyes closed as she let the music move her. A happy smile on her face. Until Sara moved to touch her, pull Evie closer. I watched, Evie's eyes popped open the moment Sara's hand touched the bare skin of her back. A moment of surprise before she schooled her features back to a calm happy.

Sara was moving to draw Evie in, trying to dance closer. Her hands all over my mate and I was more conflicted than I had ever felt. It was hot, they were both beautiful and so different. Evie was like flowing water, Sara was bombastic, moving her body like a professional dancer. I'd be blind to say they didn't look sexy together. I was watching Evie's face, she loved her friend, that was clear even across the room. Evie wasn't in love with Sara the way Sara was with her.

I could practically see the second Sara realized I was there. Her nose scrunching up for just a moment. Her eyes scanning the crowd, landing on me quickly. Evie couldn't see her face, as she hissed at me, sharp fangs flashing for a second. I saw Sara turn around, trying to take Evie by the hand, trying to lead her away from me. I could tell Sara was trying to yell over the music, her hands gesticulating wildly. I could only hear the music in this club. There was no way Evie could hear Sara. Evie looked confused by her friend right now. Then Evie's eyes looked past Sara, finding me immediately, and she smiled. She picked me out of a dark crowded room with her stormy ocean human eyes and she smiled. I was lost to her, I would do anything to see that smile every day of my life.

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