16 Luca

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I could feel my wolf trying to push strength to me. Trying to heal me as fast as he could. To keep us alive. I was dying. I could sense it, I was losing too much blood, too many bones were broken. The only relief I could feel was Evie's own life and strength returning to her. Her heart beating strong, as her body was forced to pull itself back together by the vampire blood someone had poured down her throat.

My wolf let out a mournful howl in my head. So conflicted over knowing Evie wasn't actively dying any longer. Instead she was at risk of joining the undead for eternity. A Demon taking over her soul, taking away everything she was. Taking her from me.

I tried to move, only to realize my wrists were broken, I couldn't even drag myself along the ground. I heard several cars drive up. Slowing on the gravel coated pavement before stopping. There weren't any sirens so they probably weren't human emergency responders. My thoughts were too slow to decide if that was better or worse given my condition.

I heard footsteps from several people. My eyelid was gently lifted, revealing a beautiful woman with big brown doe eyes looking back at me. Concern radiating from her. "Fuck, Auris!" she yelled, summoning a dragon shifter of all creatures to her side.

The two held hands, each reaching out to touch my face. My mouth fell open in a silent scream as their combined power flooded into my body. The dragon man stopped touching my face to forcefully push several bones back into their proper places with his hand as his and the witches magic forced my flesh to knit itself back together. Their power could only do so much, healing required energy from the one being healed. I tried to get them to stop, I couldn't afford to fall unconscious. I needed to get to Evie. I promised her I'd always find her. I needed-

"Shh, you will be OK. You just need to rest." The pretty witch said to me as the strength of my body gave out and I could no longer hold my mind awake. Evie was the last thought on my mind and heart as everything faded out.

I awoke with a start. In the very hospital I had been trying to get Evie to. Wearing nothing but an ass less hospital gown, an iv in my arm, machines beeping wildly as I thrashed getting out of bed. Evie, I saw her. I saw where she was. Eyes still the beautiful color of the sea. I had to get to her.

As I stood by the bed, ass in the wind, pulling the iv out, looking for clothes Elijah arrived. With Lark, Lark's sister in law Melody and the dark haired witch and dragon who had rescued me from the accident.

Elijah handed me a bag, that held a full change of clothes. I started to get dressed the moment I had it. "Whatever you need to say, say it I'm going to get Evie." I growled hopping on one foot as I pulled the jeans on.

Melody looked at the witch, who looked at Auris. It was the witch who spoke. "Luca, my name is Delia, this is my mate Auris. What do you know of your mate? About Evie?" her voice was soft and soothing. The very air around her was calming.

"Not enough," pulling my shirt over my head as a vision Evie laying on a narrow cot, dreaming about our first baby together filled my head. My sweet mate, kidnapped and dreaming of our life together. The urge to run to her consuming me.

"It's true Delia, I can see their link." Auris the dragon said speaking in riddles while I pulled on the running shoes Elijah had brought me. Delia and Melody looked at him while Lark held Elijah's hand, her other cradling her slight bump and their child inside. Making my heart twist.

"I need a vehicle Elijah, and you better have that fucking cunt Sara chained." I growled out. Why were they all still in my way. Hours had passed already, I had to get to her.

"Sara is in the cells under the pack house, her father is throwing a fit. Seems Sara isn't very good at making friends, other grievances have been raised against her. She's not going anywhere, some of their own pride have turned over evidence against Sara." I nodded satisfied that at least that one problem seemed contained.

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