Chapter 3 (edited)

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Hi everyone.

Though the target was not complete. Here goes the chapter.


I might not be afraid of anyone but Silas and Romeo are a dangerous combination. I was not willing to take that risk for my poor ears so here I am after 2 days ears still alive.

Alexia's pov:

I knock at Devin's studyroom and walk in. He is used to me walking in and he knows better than to fuck someone over the office table so it was never an issue. I see him rising his head from the never ending files on the desk. He falls back on chair getting comfortable, removing his glasses and putting them aside.

"Hey Dev, how are you doing?" I ask walking in.

"Just about to collapse. The product launch is 2 weeks away and the boys are usless. Well except of Roman but he is of no use either. Yesterday I asked Silas for helping me sort out the files and the bitch had audacity to say me to stop disturbing him while playing video games. " Devin exclaims in frustration. He sounded like a troubled teacher complaing the parents about their child.

"Thats why he was literally begging me in school to give him spare key of games room." I say chuckling sitting on chair.

" Please tell me you didn't give him. Sometimes I wonder how you deal with these assholes. I am this close to kicking them out of mansion." He says with frustration. His second finger and thumb which we almost touching.

Devin is not the one to lose patience easily, then again I have always considered Silas sucidal. He always goes poking the Tiger and come back with a bullet wound. It was good that I came today or else I would have probably found Silas in the infantry by the end of day.

"Don't worry Dev, I'll talk with him. That guy needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Also give me the pending files, I'll get them checked out by morning. " I say him.

" You are a life saver Lexi. I also wanted to talk with you about the Deluca's. They have been having some minor attacks in Italy. They are afraid they have a traitor in their inner circle. Ofcourse they can't directly point fingers without proof , that will cause mistrust among the inner circle. Also traitor might get careful if he comes to know that the don is already doubtful of them. We had similar pattern of attack last month till we sorted the traitor. So they need us to help them to figure out the traitor."Devin says.

"I'll put up one of our hacking team to start looking into records of their inner circle. I will inform some of our tracker in Italy to start following the inner members. I think they will have next attack in next week if they follow same pattern. We'll be able to figure this out by this week end." I say him alredy texting the hacking team head about it.

"Well that's it then. Here are some files for the 'Alpha X' launch. You can give me by tomorrow before going to school. And thankyou. " Devin says with a greatful smile while handing me the files.

I start walking towards the door when I stop hearing Devin's world.

"Your papa would be so proud if you. I have seen the efforts you have put in relaunching the company. 'Alpha X' launch will be successful and I can't wait to see this company reach the top again." Devin says with a small smile.

After papa's death Devin has been my biggest supporter. He always tried to never make me feel papa's absense. I give him a greatful smile not being able to form any words to thank him. His words mean everything to me. After papa it was him, who I would rush to for approval.

"By the way Dev, I got to know that you went at our favorite restaurant in Italy. That also with someone and you booked the entire floor for some privacy. I mean it could be a very important meeting which had to be private. The restaurant is a very romantically private place you know." I tell him with a understanding face but he could see the mischief in my eyes. His tips of ears has turn red and he was trying to control the smile that was about to come on his face.

"Leave Lexi before I end up killing you." He tries to say sternly but I couldn't take him seriously when his face was completely red blushing.

"You know that I am not going to invade your privacy by digging up about the person but I hope you atleast did some background check. I am not asking you to invade the person's privacy but atleast know that the person doesn't have any other ill intention. And for god sake next time don't ditch your guards to go on a date. I almost got a mini heart attack when the guards informed me that you were missing." I tell him giving him a pointed look.

He gives me a guilty smile. "Stop acting like my mom. And yes I did do a background check and I'll introduce him to all of you soon. That is if things go well." He says. He came out as gay 3yrs ago and we couldn't be more proud of him.

I could see the fond smile on his face when he talked about that person and I couldn't be happier for him. I gave him a last smile and left the room.

"Don't worry Dave. I hope for his sake that he'll keep you happy. And by chance if the things don't go well for you, that guy is going to have 5 really pissed assasins on his ass." I say chuckling with evil glint in my eyes.

"Hey stop threatening him when he is not even here. You know what, I am not going to introduce him to you until our wedding date. Your overprotective ass is going to do something stupid and make me live the rest of my life single." He says rolling his eyes.

"Oh comeon Dave. I am not that bad. You can atleast give me a name and I would stop inquiring about him." I say walking back towards the abandoned chair excitedly.

"Yeah right. Mind telling me why did you send one of my own guards as my ex-boyfriend in front of my date. That guard literally popped himself on my lap. That was so embarrassing. " He exclaims with red face while I was trying to hold back my laugh thinking about his last date.

"That guy made you wait for 10 mins that also on his first date. He literally ran inside when there was fight going on outside the restaurant. He grew pale at the site of blood. And he made you pay the bill when he was the one to invite you for dinner. He should have asked to split." I simply state.

"His wallet was stolen you idiot." He exclaims.

"More reasons to reject his ass. If he couldn't take care of his own wallet, how will he help you out in your work. He is irresponsible and he won't be able to survive our world." I simply said the fcts jot understanding what Dave was tryin TV to say.

"I give up. You literally lost your fucking car last week. And you are calking him irresponsible. You all are just unbearable. I am never introducing my guy to you. Leave before I shoot you or rather I shoot myself." He says in frustration throwing his hands up.

"Alright I'll leave. Cool off. Maybe you could call your guy and you know vent out you frustration. Or you could just jerk o- " I was already running outside the door when he threw his stationery stand towards me. I run off laughing at his agitated face. I can be pretty annoying when I want to be.

After a while I calm down and decide to get some work done.
I go the technological department and meet Bella. I decided to call up everyone here to discuss our work plan. Roman being the wonderful person he is reaches their within seconds. Silas and Romeo knows better than to ignore my calls for playing games. The last time they did so, I shot their gaming screen. In no time they were here aswell. I waste no time in informing them about the Deluca situation and start distributing the work.

" Listen bitchy people. Roman and Romeo are going with Bella helping her with the final checking of the phone's material quality. Silas here is going to check the files which Dev asked him to do yesterday. I am going to the hackers room to uodate them about the Deluca's situation. Bella explain the twins their work and meet me here in 30 minutes, we'll figure out the coding issue. After everyone's work is done we'll have our movie night. Now getf yourself some snacks and disperse." I say in commanding voice. They know better than to disobey me when there is huge work load.

By midnight all the work was complete. Everyone kept their phones aside and we enjoyed our movie night.

Target: Maybe 5 Votes this time?

The biologicals will be their in next in next chapter.

Question of the chapter:
Your dream destination?

Do vote and comment. Appreciation and criticism both are welcomed.

Date: 22 July 2022


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