Chapter 5 (edited)

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Hi everyone

Francesco's pov: (father)

It was 6 in evening. I was at my Mafia base with my eldest son, Alessandro. We both were talking about the meeting we had with the current incharge of the 'Alpha'. We were discussing about changing our security system. We were interupted when someone knocked the door.

"Come in" I called out loud.

"Hey Fran. " My second in command Robert says comming in.

Robert is 55 year old guy. He had been working for our Mafia since my father was in charge. His son Robin will become Alessandro's second in command once he takes over the mafia. He has been like a second father to my children.

"The New Police Department was trying to contact you for a while but they weren't able to. I got a call from your secretary to inform you about it. The officer incharge gave his number and asked for you to call back. I forwarded you the number" He says walking in.

"Did any of shipment in New York went wrong?" I ask confused checking my phone for the officer's number.

"No. All ohr shipments were secured and on time. The officer did say about something confidential or some shit." He says casually waving his hand. "Anyways I am leaving early. Robin wanted to have a family dinner so got to reach home before he burns it down. " He says walking away.

"What does NYPD have to do with us." Sandro asks with curiosity.

"I have no idea. Lets call and check." I reply with a shrug and dial the number.

"Hello this is Mr. Pablo from NYPD. Who am I speaking with? " Asks a manly voice from other end.

"This is Francesco Deluca. I was informed that you were trying to reach me." I respond him.

"Hello Mr. Deluca. I have called you to inform that Miss. Lily with whom you were engaged 15 years ago has unfortunately passed away. I called you to inform you that her children Rosalie and Alexia are currently without a guardian. We recently found out that they are your biological daughters. I would like to know if you are willing to take their guardianship." Officer Pablo says from other side.

I stand frozen hearing the news. The twins were dead. I thought I lost them. How could they be alive. If Lily knew about them then why did she do this to me. There were so many things going around in my mind that I could hardly process the information.

"Mr Deluca. Are you on the line?" Officer Pablo asks.

"Yes I am. I uh.. I would love to get their custody. Could you possibly send me their DNA results and their information?" I ask still in disbelief.

"Sure I'll email you. By when should I be expecting you here? " Officer asks

"I will be at police station by 8:00 in morning. " I respond back eager to reach their.

"Sure sir. I'll email you address of the police station aswell. Good day." Officer Pablo responds become cutting the call.

I come back to reality hearing my son's voice. "Dad. Are you ohk? What did they say?"

"Ohk? I am fucking ecstatic. Oh my god. Today is the best day of my life." I said lightly laughing murmuring how it is the best news.

"Dad you sound like a mad man laughing. What did the officer want? " Sandro asked in confusion.

" I got call from NYPD saying that my twins are alive. Lily passed away and they have noone to take their custody. They were asking if I wanted to take custody." I said him unbothered about Lily's death.

"Oh my God. That's the best news dad. What are you waiting for. Lets go." Sandro says excited.

"Lets go.. Lets go.. Of my god I am so happy. " I said happily almost jumping on my toes walking towards the door with a big fat smile.

" No wonder where Xavier gets his sugar rush from" Sandro mumbles behind me but I ignore him. Nothing can spoil my mood today.

I and Sandro quickly go to airport and get in our private jet.

"Dad. Your children are asking why are we not at home today." Sandro asks.

"Which children?" I ask subconsciously still thinking about twins.

"Dad!" Sandro respond almost scolding me.

"Ya right my children. Tell those shitty heads to mind their own business. I am their father. How dare the question me. Also ask Xavier and Xander to vacant their rooms and shift somewhere else. I need the rooms ready for my daughters before we return or I am going kick out all your brothers." I say threateningly.

"Dad its my work to kick them out. You are supposed to stop me from doing that." Sandro exclaims in frustration.

"I don't care if you kick them. They always keep troubling me. When my beautiful girls come at home I would give them all sorts of prank ideas for the boys. I am going to make you boys life a living hell with their help." I say excitedly rubbing my hands imagining my daughters taking my revenge.

"Dad. Calm down. You'll scare them away with your creepy smile. I just hope they are nothing like Xander or Xavier." Sandro says looking at me with a disturbed face.

"My daughters can never be like those shitty heads. They are beautiful unlike those blood sucking children of mine. Sometimes I wish to give them up for adoption." I say smiling thinking about a Xander and Xavier free house.

"You are basically insulting your and mom's genes. And mom was the best so its actually your genes that caused them. So stop insulting your children. You can't do anything about it no matter how many time I myself want to shoot them. I hope our twins are nothing like them. " Alessandro exclaims.

" Don't you dare disrespect my daughters by comparing them with those troublemakers. " I say narrowing my eyes at him in a threatening manner. I was ready to throw him out of plane if he utters a single wrong word.

"Oh my god. I feel like you just trying to find a reason to kick us out so that you can spend time with your daughters. Remember that they are my sisters and they'll definitely love me more. Brothers are always fun. " He says smugly trying yo rile me up.

"I am a fun father bitch." I exclaim getting up from my seat ready to throw some hands. How dare he accuse of being no fun.

"A fun father who is willing to kick out his sons so that he can get all attention of his daughters." Sandro says teasingly.

I look away from his no responding him. After Lily left I changed. I couldn't be their for Matteo and the twins like I should have. Mafia responsibility stopped me but I still did my best to be their father. I loved my boys but after Lily left home was always filled with guys. I always craved for having a daughter. I did plan for adopting a girl but a rich single father with 6 kids didn't sound convincing enough for them to let me adopt.

I believe my girls will finally complete the Deluca family. I think with a small smile on my face.

This was one of my favourite chapter to write.

Question of the chapter:
How did you find Francesco's character?

Do vote and comment. Appreciation and criticism both are welcomed .

Date: 24 July 2022


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