Chapter 19: Not my type

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Sam's perspective
Guess who I'm sitting next to in the bus... I mean - he asked it! I don't know why, really. I don't know how. But he asked it and now we're... Just sitting here, awkwardly. Alex asked me if I was okay when he saw me hugging Parker, looking very confused . I ensured him I was alright, while Jason was smiling a bit too much at Parker. But like, could he be right? Could Parker be... Not straight? I mean I've never really THOUGHT about it. He's always made it pretty clear that he wasn't into guys. That he wasn't into... Well me. I'm now fully aware that I'm staring at him. He smiles. Gosh that guy has a smile. "What?" He asks me. I wake up from my thoughts. "Hmm? Nothing..." I shake my head. "hmmmm.." He says, dramatically rolling his eyes. I laugh. "What's with you? You're like, an entire different person." He chuckles. "What? You don't like him? I thought you liked me better like this?" "No I do, alot... It's just... I'm not used to it." "Alot..." He repeats in a mocking tone. "Ok shut up!" I roll my eyes. "No, I think I just want to try to be... Well a version of myself that I don't hate. If that makes sense? Like, when you left the guys came over and to be honest I just felt... Well, really sad. Because it wasn't the world that I wanted to be in. And it wasn't the world that I agreed with." "You're so dramatic, I only left for 2 days, not even whole ones." I tell him. He rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything. I frown. "What world DO you want to be in?" He sighs. "Not like that Anderson, don't even try. I meant a world where I could not only be this one thing. This guy that goes out and is an asshole to people and plays football. Because, well, let's be honest that life sucks." I nod. "You know, my parents actually did want me to play football before I went to our school." He laughs. "No way, did they really?"

I smile. "What, Is that funny to you? You don't think I know my way with balls?" He chuckles. "Oh no, don't worry, I think you know an excellent way with balls." A guy sitting in front of us turns around and frowns, and we just start laughing and we don't stop. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh this much. That is until mr. Diore signs to us to be more quiet. When we arrive to our camping place, it's almost noon. Parker and I talked all drive, about movies and books and everything and nothing. It is nice, getting to know him. It is strange how a person you've known all your life but always seems so far away grows closer.

When we're setting up the tent, I can feel Dean's eyes burn in my back. And I can see Parker feels it too, because he walks closer to me, focusing his eyes on Dean with a warning stare. "Hey, tell me if he says anything again, ok? He's not going to do anything." I frown. "It's really okay, Parker... I can protect myself." He nods. "I know that... Just... When you need me." I smile and nod back, leaving my stare off of Dean's face, playfully batting Parker's hand away as he tries to make sure our tent is secure. "Oh that's cute. But you're doing it wrong. Here, let me help you."

We are all free for the rest of the day, wich I'm really happy about because the less time I have to spend in these woods the better. Parker didn't go train with his friends, but he also didn't feel like hanging out with Alex and Jason and I so he stayed in our tent. When I get to Alex' tent, He is staring at me worriedly, his arms crossed. I frown "What?" I ask him. "What happened? How did you go from hating him, to hanging out with him, to hating him again, to now hugging him and sitting next to him in the bus? I'm so confused." "Well, I couldn't exactly get onto you guys' lap... Besides, it was fun." Jason mumbles a small "Oh you could've if you really wanted to." And I wink at him. Alex looks at me impatiently and asks me again."What happened? You were clearly upset. Ms. Weasel didn't let me talk to you and just told me to get on. I'm sorry." I shake my head. "No no, don't worry it's totally fine! Parker took care of it." Alex sighs. "Okay, took care of WHAT. Sammy? What happened?" I think. "Well it's more of a took care of who I guess but-" Alex looks like he's going to murder me, wich makes me burst out in laughter. Jason chuckles. "Well, It's nothing serious really, I defended myself and one of the football guys tried to hit me so Parker stood up for me. Wich, he didn't have to, I mean I can easily-" Alex interrupts me. "Wait, someone did fucking WHAT?" His eyes are going very wide. I shake my head. "I'm okay, really. It was Dean. It's okay. But yeah I was pretty shaken up and Parker hugged me." Alex shakes his head. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you, holy shit." He hugs me. "I'm so sorry Sammy." I laugh softly. "I'm ok." After a while we break from the hug and he smiles at me. "So, what did he say? Parker, to Dean?" "Well, just told him to fuck off and get his act together. And spoke about how the team needed to change because it was fucked up what they were all doing." Alex looks impressed. "Woah... I might agree with you on this one, Jace..." Jason smiles. "I know, right?" I frown. "Oh- guys no... Not that again. I agree, he's hot. Like, really drop dead gorgeous. But he's also straight. Besides, he's not my type."

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