Chapter 24: The first date

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Parker's perspective
When we got back we basically just slept for the rest of the day. Camping is so exhausting, especially if you... You know... Didn't get any sleep from all the making out that you did. With Sam. In a tent. Our beds are each a corner, wich I think is really okay since it would be nice to have any kind of space for a bit. When I wake up I decide to take a shower and get ready.

"Hey! Wake up." I say, glancing at him through the bathroom mirror. He groans. "What- Why?"
I smile. "Because. I'm taking you out today." He looks up at me, looking totally awake now. "What?" He asks. I sigh.
"I told you that I would take you out." "Yeah well- I didn't know that was today. Didn't even give me time to prepare."
"Well, I can always go out with someone els-"
"No. We're definitly going. When do I have to be ready?"
I smile. "I made reservations at seven, but we're going to someplace else 2 hours before that." Sam blinks agressively. "So you're waking me up, TO TELL ME I HAVE TO GET READY IN 6 HOURS?" I chuckle. "Well, yes. I wanted to tell you beforehand. I'm also meeting up with Jesse right now, I asked him to come to our room. " He nods, thinking. "What?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Nothing, just... Taking this all in." I smile, sitting next to him on his bed. I softly kiss his lips. "Me too."

I don't think I'm ready for people to know yet. And I know that he's fine with that, I just wished that I wasn't this scared. There's a knock on the door. Jesse. Sam went out to Alex and Jason's place, so I had some time to plan our date. I open the door. "Hey!" He grins at me and and I gesture at him to sit down. He does. It's silent for a bit, and we both end up giggling. I feel like I'm 14 again, telling my friend about my first kiss with this girl. Except... Yeah this is a change I guess. "Welllll..." He asks me. "What?" I chuckle. "AH man, don't keep this in, you told me to come here for a reason. Are you guys, like a thing now? Did anything happen? I saw some closeness going on on the bus... Very cute, very wholesome. Now speak." I roll my eyes, smiling really wide. My jaws hurt because of it.

"Well... We kissed! I don't know what that means yet and it's definitly too soon to say anything, but... I'm taking him out tonight! Oh my god I'm so nervous-" He stops me, being amused by my nervousness. "Alright, alright. Let's start with this, why are you anxious?"
"Well, because it's a date."
"You've never been nervous for a date... You must really like him."
I roll my eyes. "That's not true. I always get stressed out before."
"Yeah... Okay you're right." He admits. "But you just seem so... Happy. I've never seen you this happy. I'm so proud of you man." He pats my shoulder. "I'm so, so nervous though..." He chuckles.
"Okay, you know this guy. You've lived with him for a big part of your life."
"Yeah but- At the same time do I know him? We never even talked. Like, we lived completely different lives."
"Well, sure. But you were closeted and internalising stuff."
I frown.
He laughs. "What? I read about these things."
I throw my head back on my bed in a very dramatic way.

"I'm just scared because I'm not as experienced as his other... dates. Like I've kissed him sure... But I don't know anything about being with men and relationships and stu-"
He stops me.
"Wait. Is this about sex?"
"Well, partly..."
"Dude, don't worry about that, this is your first date. Do you really need to think about any of that for your first date?"
I shake my head. "Well, no but... I just like... Well he's had much more experience then I did. Like, what if I do something wrong, or what if relationships with guys are alot different? My head is just all over the place." I gesture like my head just exploded. I sit back up and he puts his head on my shoulder. "Well, it is gonna be a little different, I mean... He's a dude. But that's okay. You'll find a way."
I sigh.
"Look, he's a really good guy. You'll find out on your own and together and he will respect that. Just take your time with these things and do whatever you both want and what feels naturally." He's right. Ofcourse he is.

It's a few hours later and I'm sweating and shaking and pacing. The bell rings. Shit. Holy fuck. Shit. He's here. Okay. Calm down. I take a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay and cool and awesome and amazing! I open the door and he's smiling wide. "Hey."
I smile back. "Hey. You look amazing."
"So do you." He says, looking into my eyes. I gulp nervously.
"So, where are you taking me?"
"You'll see."
My hands are shaking as I take a blindfold thing, like the one you use on airplanes to sleep, and put it on his head, kissing his cheek.
He chuckles.
"What, I can't see?"
"No." I whisper in his ear.
"Okay, stop turning me on or we might have to stay here." He laughs, nervously.
"Oh, you like that? I'll remember." I mumble. He tries not to laugh.
Luckily he can't see how red I am.
"You would like that, right?" He says playfully.
"Okay, okay, we're going. Keep your pants on." I roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks heating up more.

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