Chapter 23: Kissing him

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Sam's perspective
Well that wasn't straight. Holy shit what do I do know? I knew he was just playing with me... But it hurts. I actually really liked him and I-

"Sam, wait!"

Parker's perspective
"Wait..." I repeat. He frowns. "Why?" "Because I need to tal-" "No." He shakes his head. "Why did you have to do that, Parker? Huh? Was it just to hurt me? Was everything you said and did a joke?" "No! No-" I walk closer. "You're an actual asshole, you know that, right? I know it didn't mean anything for you, but it did for me." But it did... It did and it did and it did and I'm... He's right. I am an asshole. "Sam- Please!" "I don't want to talk to you right now." "I get that! I really do but-" He's walking away now. I can't blame him, why am I like this? "I like you!" He stops. "What?" "I'm sorry... For what I did. I'm so, sorry. For how I reacted, for everything. I freaked out. Wich doesn't give me any justification, I know that. But the truth is, you make me so nervous. You make me so nervous that I don't know how to act, because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. You have every right to never talk to me again. And none of this is your fault- But please... Just know that I wasn't playing with your feelings. I'm just trying to figure everything out. I really like you." He gulps, frowning. "You... Actually like me? No joke?" I nod. "Yes. Alot." He shakes his head, thinking. "You have a shit way at dealing with things." He whispers. I nod. "I know. I'm so sorry." He comes closer. It has started to rain now. "You're shivering." He whispers again.

I laugh weakly. "Well, you're still wearing my coat." He smiles. "I'm really sorry, but I promise you that I'm working on myself. And I won't do shit like that ever again. I really do want to try things with you, if you want that too. Like... Take you out on a date? Would you want that too? Is that oka-" "I don't know, ask me." He smiles. I smile back. "Alright." I take his hand, intertwining his fingers into mine. "Sam Anderson, do you want to go out with me?" He thinks. "Hmm... Good to know..." I shake my head, wanting to say something, but he kisses me before I can. Our lips touch and the feeling in my stomach is back and this time I won't leave him because I'll never do that to him again. He touches my neck and I travel my fingers through his curls. His hands travel to my back and I put mine around his neck, taking every bit of watermelon and lavender that I can. He's shivering now too. He puts a hand on my cheek, then holds my chin. "I'm cold." He whispers. He bites my lip and I laugh between kisses. "Me too." He takes my hand, guiding me to our tent.

Man he's hot.

Sam's perspective
Never in my entire life did I think that I would be kissing you. You, Parker Williams. My roommate. The guy that hated me and that I hated. But you are kissing me and I'm kissing you and my head is spinning and my lips are sore. I take your hand to our tent and when we're inside you kiss me again and you're blushing and god how do I describe "DBDBDKDKDNDBFBF AAAAAAAAAAA BSBDJDJDJDJ" With actual sentences? He stops. "Go shower, you're going to get hypothermia." I tell him. "Hot." He tells me. "I'm serious, go. Hypothermia is no joke." I kiss his nose."You sound like an info commercial." He sighs, but goes anyways.

Parker's perspective
I'm so happy, it's like I finally don't have to pretend anymore. Sam showered when I was done (because not together, it's too early for any of... That) and then we kissed some more and watched a movie, before both falling asleep. I held his hand and he held mine. This isn't so scary as I thought it was going to be, to be honest. Liking him is the easiest thing in the world.

I'm crazy about him.

"You never answered my question, you know." I said, before we went to sleep.
"What question?"
"Can I take you out? On a date?"
He frowns. "Oh, you really meant that?"
"Why not?"
"I don't know... I get that you wouldn't want to go out in public that soon." "No, I definitly do. I- I want to. If you want to aswell ofcourse."
He puts his head on my shoulder, squeezing my hand. He's still smiling. "Oh, definitly."

When we get up in the morning, I look at him while he's putting on a new shirt. He notices. I look away, but blush. He shakes his head, smiling. "God, you mustve been liking me alot if it's that easy." I know he's joking, but he's right. "That's because I am." He gulps and I come closer. I frown at the spot in his neck. He has a few of them. I touch it. Then I look into the mirror, noticing a few in my neck aswell. He looks at himself in the mirror. "Oh god..." He sighs, laughing. I giggle. "Sorry." He walks to his bags, taking out a little one with concealer in it. "It's good that I brought this then."

We walk to the bus and Alex and Jason are already waiting. "GOD you guys are so slow, I could've graduated 3 times already." I chuckle. "Sorry." Alex frowns, looking at Sam's neck. Apparently he missed a spot. He looks at Jason and they both try to be as subtle as they can. "Nicely done." Jason whispers at me. Sam is blood red and I'm just, well I'm just here. My soul kind of left my body to be honest. We all get into the bus and I'm sitting next to him. Holding his pinky with mine. "I can't believe they found out that quickly." Sam mumbles. I chuckle. "It's okay." "Well, no because I've seen Alex not even realising I stole his fries when he was literally looking at me, how the hell did he notice this that quickly? And Jason aswell, how-" "Oh, Jason knew." Sam shakes his head. "What do you mean, he knew?" "He knew I liked you. He actually gave me advice." Sam frowns. "Yeah, like what?" I smile at him. "I'm not telling you." He wants to argue, but at that moment someone calls for him. "Hey, Sam?" We both look up from our seat and Dean is standing there. I startle. Sam lets go of my pinky. We both frown. I look angrily at Dean. "Hi- Sorry I just - Well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened to you and just... Wanted to apologize in general. That wasn't cool. And I- I hope Rios sits for a long time." Sam frowns. I don't believe what I'm hearing. "Yeah uh- Thanks?" Sam says. Dean nods, before walking off. "Well that was..." He starts. "Strange?" I say. "Yeah." He chuckles. "Probably because he didn't want to be kicked out of the team, right?" Sam asks me. "I don't know... He's very... Weird." "But hey, atleast he will finally leave me alone, right? I mean I hope so-" "Yeah. I'll fight him if he doesn't." I smile and take his hand. He blushes. Jesse gets in, giving me a warm smile. I nod at him and smile back.

Sam's perspective
Parker fell asleep on my shoulder. We're both each wearing an earphone, listening to the soundtrack of high school musical. I close my eyes, smiling. I can't stop smiling. I'm falling in love with him and he's okay with that. He's okay with that and he wants to take me out on a date. Holy shit. I can't believe any of this.

I'll give you time, Parker. I'll give you as much time as you need. I'm falling in love with you and you're okay with that, because you feel the same way. And that's all I need at the moment.

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