Chapter 25

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It's now a week into December and we are expecting to have our first snowfall late tonight. I'm very excited about it. I've always loved snow. Everything seems peaceful and beautiful after it snows, like the world has been reborn. It's also been five days since I ripped Hunter's shirt off on my couch and saw his tattoos and scars. I didn't ask him about them even though I wanted to. It's another thing I'll wait for him to tell me about himself.

The scar underneath his peck muscle was pretty big. It was about four or five inches long and then right under the scar was a tattoo. It was a series of numbers. I'm assuming it's a date of significance for him or something. 6-14-13. I also noticed another tattoo on his right bicep. That one seemed to be initials. J. K. C. I wonder who that is and if the two tattoos are related. He has another tattoo that says redemption that goes vertically down his right side. All his tattoos are beautiful. He is beautiful scars and all.

I briefly think of my own scars and tattoo and what he will think when he sees them. Will he ask me about them or will he just accept them as I have accepted his? I wish I could heal him and all the hurt that he carries. If I could I would take it all from him and carry it for him.

Since Sunday night we have kept things PG but I think that is partly because I have been very busy with school and preparing for finals. Hunter has been a perfect gentleman though and hasn't tried anything. As I think of what he said about me in my pajamas I blush, but I can't lie I liked what he said. It felt good to know that he thinks I'm sexy. I'm glad he wants me in the same passionate way I want him.

Unfortunately for me Hunter is working tonight so I'm staying in and studying or at least that's the plan until Sam comes barreling into my room with other ideas.

"Get dressed" she says as she begins rifling through my closet and throwing clothes at me.

"Sam what are you doing?" I ask as I laugh at my crazy best friend.

"Don't ask questions" she says seriously but then she looks back at me and smiles. "Just get dressed. Please."

I do as she says and I put on the clothes she has picked out for me. I'm curious about where we are going but judging by the clothes Sam picked out and what time it is I'm assuming we are going to the bar where Hunter works. Sure enough we leave the apartment and end up walking to the bar.

"Not that I mind being here but why the whole no questions thing?" I ask curiously. She has to know I would have come here if she asked. Maybe not three months ago but I've come a long way.

"You'll see" she sing songs and I suddenly feel nervous but I shake it off.

We walk into the bar and it's really crowded considering it's only nine O'clock. Sam and I make our way to the bar and Hunter's face lights up when he sees me coming. I can tell he's surprised to see me but he seems happy. I feel my own face light up at the sight of him and my heart does that flutter thing again that it always does when I see him.

"Hey" he says happily when we reach him. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight."

"I know, but Sam dragged me here for some mysterious reason. I wasn't allowed to ask questions" I explain as I smile over at my best friend. Just then I notice the stage and how people seem to be setting up for something. Sometimes live bands play here but I didn't think one was playing tonight. "Is a band playing tonight?" I ask Hunter figuring he'll know the answer.

"Uh no" he says as he glances at the stage. "Tonight's open mic night."

I feel my stomach drop as he says the words. Suddenly I know why Sam brought me here. I'm going to kill her. I turn to glare at her and she has the decency to look sheepish.

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