The Thirty-Third Day

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Zheng Li came forward and spoke up, “Ah’Xun, how about I do it, if I lose I’ll kneel and if I win he’ll kneel for you.”

It must be said that Zheng Li really, was an extremely reliable, good brother. He would never flake out at the last minute.

But He Xun looked Zheng Li in the eye and shook his head, “You won’t do.”

Zheng Li typically didn’t ride much, and half a month had passed since they last raced for fun. If Zheng Li went up now, it was a sure defeat. How could he watch with wide-open eyes as his own good brother kneeled before another person?

As a trust-fund kid, Zheng Li was naturally prideful and wanted to protect his image. He knew the likelihood of failure was high, and low for victory. He would definitely be reluctant to kneel before someone if he lost, but for his brothers, he had to.

Zheng Li hurriedly waved his hand, “Don’t say men can’t do it. Seeing your situation, Little Five is set on not letting you go, right? Rather than wasting time here, why not switch out players, what do you say?”

He Xun took a few steps forward, a small tail tightly holding onto him from behind.

“Peipei… …”

Peijin cut him off before he even finished speaking, “No, no, you just can’t, there’s nothing to discuss, I will never ever let go.”

He Xun motioned to Zheng Li, “Check over the car, see if there are any issues. I’m going to speak to him for a moment.”

Zheng Li gave an evil grin, “Alright, take your time.”

Meanwhile, Wang Qiang and the others were getting a bit impatient. Wang Qiang sneered, his vicious, ugly face filled with mockery, “Being so scared, you should just admit defeat, and save everybody the time. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to kowtow and yell you’re sorry? Don’t put on an act.” Finished, Wang Qiang let out a savage laugh.

Not only Wang Qiang, but his entire group of brothers laughed tauntingly.

And Xu Yi’s face grew more triumphant, gazing at He Xun as if he were a pile of trash.

He Xun pried off Peijin’s hands, then he turned around and put both his hands on her shoulders.

He leaned down a little, meeting her eyes, “Peipei, just this once, after that I’ll never agree to this kind of thing ever again.”

Peijin knew that He Xun had made up his mind when she heard him. Her eyes felt a bit dry and sour (1) as she called out He Xun’s full name for the first time.

(1) “Eyes dry and sour” refers to a sort of bitter or tired feeling.

“He Xun, you only have one life.”

At a time like this, He Xun couldn’t back down anymore. (1)

(1) The saying used is “riding a tiger’s back”, derived from the idiom, “if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off”, meaning that once you’ve already put your foot into something, it’s extremely hard for you to stop or go back.

He wasn’t an inflexible person, and of course, he wouldn’t blindly reject advice.

People sometimes would have to make compromises for some others. Peijin had coaxed him for so long, for the first time in his life, he wanted to take a step back for a girl.

However at a time like this, even if he wanted to step away, the other party wouldn’t be open to it.

And if didn’t go, then it would be his brother going.

For his sake Zheng Li would risk his own life, he naturally couldn’t watch with open eyes as Zheng Li kowtowed before someone.

After all, due to his own pride today, he had only brought his closest brothers. This had caused the current dilemma.

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