~Chapter 13~

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"Thank you again for the lovely dinner! Tonight was really amazing" Namjoon gives a dimpled smile as he looks between me and Aera. Dinner went by rather fast after finding out I met Yoongi once before. It's still weird to think that I met him when I was at my lowest but somehow I never thought I would be so thankful to meet him again. After that it was actually really easy to talk to them all and somehow Yoongi got more social and started sharing more of his work and I even had the honor to see his work.

Honestly I wouldn't mind getting another tattoo by him and seeing his adorable gummy smile shining through when he shows the work he is so proud about I can't help but be slightly sad seeing the affection between Yoongi and Namjoon after the slightly reminder of my past. I'm just so happy I didn't need to explain my tattoo since I think Yoongi may have known it's a sensitive subject when I tried to laugh any questions away, very awkwardly and obviously might I add.

"No need to thank us Namjoon-ah it was nice to have you both here and tell Taehyung-ssi it was nice meeting him too" Aera says with a bright smile before she pulls me into a side hug.

"Ah I'm sure he will be happy to hear that since it definitely was a pleasure for him to be here" Yoongi chuckles as the attention is drawn to him. He has a weird smile on his face as he looks down on his phone before looking up with a slight smirk as his gaze flickers between Namjoon and I.

Eh? Why does this make me feel like there was a hidden meaning there...

"Taehyung just texted, or should I say bombed my phone, trying to ask me if I could ask Eun-hye for her number for him." He chuckles looking at me with a happy glint in his eyes.

"Sorry about that Eun-hye but I think Taehyung has dubbed you as his new future friend" At his words my eyes widen slightly as my mouth forms an "o". I don't know if I really expected it but I can't say I'm displeased.

A new friend? I just recently made new friends Jimin and Hoseok kinda I think...now I have another potential friend?

I blinked twice at the information before a slow smile formed on my face. Taehyung definitely looked like a great person and the few times we met I could already tell that I would like to be his friend if he ever asked.

"Aw I'm honored to be dubbed his new future friend! I'll definitely give my number he really seems sweet and like a good person" I nod at my own words making Aera laugh.

"Aww my dongsaeng is finally making friends I'm so proud" She wiped a fake tear and I gave her a side eye silently saying "I do have friends". Namjoon and Yoongi chuckle at her words making me feel slightly embarrassed. I know I don't have alot of friends but somehow they always manage to make me feel bad or just emotionally drained. It's nice to meet people that were genuinely nice to me buy I guess some people I met were only like that or looked at me with pity because they knew about me being soulmateless.

"I'm sure many people just miss out on befriending a great person that's why but I will say you won't easily escape Taehyung from his friendship now" Yoongi gave me a gummy smile as he handed out his phone for me at which I blanked at.

Why is he giving me his phone? Am I supposed to hold it? That doesn't make sense since he is leaving....is it not his phone?

"It's to put your number in for Taehyung" Yoongi said and I mentally slapped myself for my mind not processing it faster. I looked up with an apologetic smile but his kind smile made me feel better. The fact he didn't laugh at my forgetful moment made me feel slightly better as I took the phone out of his hand and typed in my number. I added my name and then immediately gave it back to him.

He looked at the phone before he looked up again with hesitant eyes. "You won't mind if I save your number too right? You don't need to say yes but after our conversation about tattoos I was thinking that you won't mind talking more about it?" My mind melted at the personality change he just had. One moment he was more on the non-social side but after we talked he seems extremely social which makes me wonder if he was just cautious about strangers or if he is like me and mostly like to stay by myself unless I meet someone that can easily match in a conversation.

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