~Chapter 23~

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-Aera pov-

"Ahh I'm so tired~" I huff as I stretch my arms out while standing in front of the door. I pull out my keys knowing that Eun-hye is probably still asleep. I may have came back a bit earlier than usual since the other person came in an hour before their shift and switched with me which was allowed for some reason but I'm not complaining at all.

A shiver runs down my back as the cold morning air hits me making me scrunch up my nose. I shake my head trying to shake the exhaustion out of me as I finally unlock the door and step inside sighing at the warmth inside. A small smile forms on my lips until I open my eyes feeling the place feels slightly off.

I shrug it off as I remove my shoes leaving the slippers as I just walk in my socks only knowing Eun-hye won't mind anyway. All the lights are still off so I just walk through the dimly lit place as I can still see since its not too early to not have any light. I sigh as I roll my shoulders back feeling exhausted as I drag my feet to my room to get some sleep in. When I wake up it would be near afternoon so I'll probably greet Eun-hye then.

Hopefully she doesn't stress much today with meeting her friends tomorrow

I smile knowing she is probably going to overthink it all for no reason even if I tell her it's going to be okay just like I did yestersay. I shake my head but freeze in my footsteps while a frown forms on my face as something catches my attention.

Is that...crying?

My heart drops at the sound and my feet move by itself as I find my way to the source where the sound is coming from. I feel panic build up inside me as I hear the crying coming from the direction of Eun-hye's room.

Oh no....

I don't even care about the fact that I can't see well where I am going as I run to her room where I burst in through the open door and frantically look around in the dark room.

I try to calm my breathing as I hold up my shaky hands to turn on the light switch scared for what I will witness. I hold my breath as the click from the light and the soft sobs mix together and I feel my blood drain from my face as I see the bundle in the corner of the room.


"E-Eun-hye sweetie?" I ask softly as I walk closer hurriedly scanning around the room to try and see if there is no signs of any threats in the room who hurt my precious best friend.

I let out a breath of relief seeing no signs of hurt but it doesn't make me worry less as I hurry to crouch down next to her placing my hand on her arm.


"A-Aera?" My jaw drops a little at the broken voice coming from her as she lifts her head showing her teary eyed and puffy face from crying. Her face looks like she hasn't slept at all and only cried the whole time.

What in the world happened!

"Little dove what...what happened?" I ask softly as her mouth opens and closes like she can't explain before sobs escape her again making me pull her into my arms. She instantly throws her arms around me as she cries hard into my shoulder as I rub her back.

"H-He...Aera! He..."

"Shh it's okay take your time-"

"J-Jungkook...he is back" I freeze at her words as I finally understand a small part of what made her cry so much. I feel my own tears start to form at the sound of her crying. I hold onto her as she keeps crying and I just ignore the numbness in my legs from the uncomfortable postion until her cries grow softer until only puffs of breath come out of her.

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