~Chapter 35~

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"Aera don't shout please-"

"No I don't think it is possible for me to not shout right now! I should have known something was up that day but you just said you were okay. In just a span of two days did you not only run into Seokjin again but the fact that Taehyung came to our home aswell?!" She huffs pulling at her hair while muttering silent words under her breath and I lower my head.

Yeah I messed up...

I should have known keeping something like this from her would have been a bit bad but I still don't regret it. 6 days has passed since Taehyung was here and I needed to let it out to just stop thinking about it all of the time like a record stuck on the same place.

Since that day I certainly gave up on moving on too fast and have just stayed home trying to let the go as it wants to meaning I had a messy schedule of giving only small smiles, crying in my room, watching movies, eating and sleeping. Other than that I don't think I have done much since I haven't touched my phone either knowing that I would stare at it not letting go of my thoughts.

"I had to confront it all myself Aera that's why I didn't want to tell you-"

"Eun-hye this is a bit more serious than I thought it was-"

"I know! I know and that was why I wanted to sort this out myself before creating unnecesary conflict if I drag you in with this!" I cut her off and she frowns staring at me while I shake my head and lower my head again.

"I wasn't going to keep it to myself forever, I was going to tell you when I was ready like you said which I am doing now. I know this was probably not what you expected but I don't regret it. I also know you are here for me but I can't just keep relying on you...this was a time I needed to do it myself and I knew if I told you immediately then you would have left your new friends the day with Jin and you would have came back from your job the day Taehyung came over. I kept it to myself for me to process it alone and to stop interfering with your life, you can't deny it" I raise my head and she sighs before moving closer and sitting down next to me wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

"I'm...ugh I hate to admit you are right but Eun-hye....I'm not angry at you or mad you didn't tell me. The reason I'm freaking out is because this could have all gone so wrong! One of them even went as far as coming here and that was something that could have been dangerous to you. I know you aren't concerned about them being bad people but honestly we don't know well enough to put full trust into them and I certainly have lost all my trust in them when they went this far. To be honest they are acting crazy and you managed it the best way without any violence which they should be happy about since I am tempted to punch that crazy man in his face."

I press my lips together understanding what she is saying. I am happy she isn't angry about me hiding it from her but I also don't know how to respond to her concerns.

"I don't think they would have harmed me in any way or anything but I understand...I'm just thankful that it is all over now..." I gulp down the bitter emotions rising at my words while Aera hums but it doesn't sound like she is agreeing.

"I...I want to be honest here, I don't think this is all behind our backs yet after what you told me about Taehyung...speaking of that though how do you feel about it?" She asks but I just shake my head.

That is the last thing I want to talk a lot about since I've mostly been trying my best to push it aside. It's not like it matters much to me anymore since I'm never going to see him again and all I can do is hope that he gets better and starts to forgive himself. I can't help but feel a bit angry after thinking about it for a few days and realising how messed up it was telling me after it all but I guess it was part of telling everything with no holding back.

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