Chapter 4

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Once I got the fake website done, I published it onto the internet. Alerting the team, we stood in the computer room waiting for something to happen.
"How long will this take? He could kill someone at any moment now." Rossi asked.
I shrugged. "it all depends on how desperate he is for his next victim."
"Which won't take long." Prentiss chimed in.
Emily was right. Moments after she finished her sentence, the computers went off with an alert. "Got him." Hotch called out.
"Sending the address now." Garcia quickly messaged everyone the unsub's address. They all raced out immediately after.
Leaning back in my chair, putting one foot up on it, I stared at my computer screen with the area map on. Watching the little red dot that represents the unsub flicker. The moment on the plane and in the hotel lobby kept replaying in my head.
A hand on my shoulder made me jump. Snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Gacia's confused yet concerned face. "Did you hear me?"
I shook my head. "Sorry I was in my own little world." I gave her a half smile.
"They got the guy. We can go back to the hotel now."
"Oh. Thank god." Standing up, I grabbed my bag off the floor, shoving my laptop into it.
—Back at the hotel—
"What'd you mean our rooms were switched?" I, purely annoyed, asked.
The hotel's desk clerk looked back at his computer with booking information on it. "Someone named Spencer Reid came in here a few hours ago and said he wanted to room with (y/n) (l/n)."
That's when we knew what actually happened. Penelope and I looked at each other. "Morgan." We said in sync.
Derek came into the hotel after the team caught the unsub, put me and Spencer in the same room. Leaving himself and Garcia to share.
It was now 11pm. We didn't have the energy to argue so we went to our now separate rooms.
Once I got to the room, I saw all my suitcase there already. Derek definitely brought it here. As I walked further into the room, I realized more why Morgan did this. There was only one goddamn bed. That's when it all clicked. This was his plan all along. He purposely requested a single bed room just to switch later on to mess with me and Spencer.
I pulled out my phone and went to my messages with him.
"Derek, you're a dead man. Better start counting your days." My text was read almost immediately.
He texted back "You're welcome❤️"
"You're lucky you're friends with Garcy. Otherwise I would've strangled you the moment we found out you switched our rooms." He sent back a kiss emoji. I threw my bag and phone on the bed then went to change into something more comfortable.
While changing in the bathroom, I heard the door to the room open. I paued to listen.
"Yeah I just got here." It was Spencer. There was a slight pause and some footsteps before he continued to talk. I guess he's on the phone. "Is that (l/n)'s bag?...Yeah I recognize it. He's the only one with a tarot card pin-....Morgan, what did you do?"
I opened the bathroom door and leaned against the wall. "Surprise pretty boy." He quickly turned around. We made eye contact for a second, making him become flustered.
"I-I-um-h-hi." Reid smiled. Derek said something to him that caused him to blush before SPencer hung up.
"Hi." I smiled back. "Morgan switched mine and his rooms. For what reason? Ask him."

Spencer Reid x Reader (male)Where stories live. Discover now