Chapter 11

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Walking to the bunker the next day at work, Spencer and I made eye contact while he was at his desk. We gave each other a smile.
Derek noticed this. Hope Spencer has fun playing 20 Questions with him.
I got down to Garcia and I's offices. She paused what she was doing. Turning her chair to me, she started her own game of 20 Questions.
I kept my promise and told her everything... well decides the last part.
"Ahh you two are so cute. I'm so happy for you, my dove!"
"It honestly was one of the best nights of my life." I smiled at her.
It didn't take long for the team to catch the unsub.
The team luckily had a short case today, and it was a 3 hour drive away.
Penelope and I went upstairs a few minutes before everyone returned. She went to the table to refill her coffee.
I went to Spencer's desk and left a small sticky note on it. "Thanks again for last night <3"
"That's cute." Garcia suddenly appears behind me, scaring the ever living hell out of me.
After I regained my soul, I turned to her. "Thanks Penelope! I feel like I just met God himself!" She laughed evilly and went to greet everyone as they returned.
One of these days, she's actually gonna kill me.
I stood next to her as everyone walked in. Once they were all settled, I went to get a cup of tea.
I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I could tell it was Derek just by how he walked.
As he put his arm around my shoulders, I knew for a fact it was Derek. "So you and Spencer huh?" He joked.
"I know, aren't you jealous?" I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Jealous of you going to see a boring Halloween puppet show? Yeah totally." He chuckled.
"It's probably a better date than what you've done." Derek's mouth dropped open after my teasing comment.
"I'll have you know, I'm very romantic."
Before I could make a remark back, Hotch announced a meeting in 10 minutes.
"Well, there goes that conversation." I took a sip of my tea before walking back to my bunker with Penelope. "Yo PG, we got a meeting in 9 minutes."
Garcia nodded. "Sounds good."
The next few minutes go by kinda fast. We all meet up with Aaron in the meeting room.
"New case in Louisville, Kentucky." Aaron started. He pulled up a few pictures on the screen. "We were called in to help the police understand why a man was having a psychotic break at a pharmacy, then attacked several people before fleeing the scene."
We all listened, took notes, made comments. Hotch announced that me and Garcia had to go with them.
All we did was look at each other.
"Wheels up in thirty."

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