Chapter 9

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For the rest of the day, Penelope tried to get me to go out with Spencer. Even after threatening to do my work upstairs, she continued.
2 days later, everyone returned from the case. Penelope and I went upstairs to greet them. They all looked so tired.
It's hard to fully know but it kinda looked like Spencer sparked up when his eyes met mine... I could be tripping though.
After they all got settled down at their desks to do last minute paperwork, I went to refill my cup of tea.
I heard footsteps come up behind me. "I'm surprised you're still here." Reid said as he started refilling his coffee.
"Yeah me too." I laughed and took a drink of my tea. "How'd the case go?"
"It went well." He told me everything that happened. Some parts had too much detail. "So I-uh-while we're both still here-" he cleared his throat, starting to fidget with his mug. "I-I was wondering if you would want to go to the Phantasmagoria show with me tonight. I still have that extra ticket. And Garcia maaay have told me that you like spooky things." He started blushing slightly.
Im going to end her bloodline.
I felt my face starting to turn red. "Are you asking me out on a date right now, Reid?" I joked, tilting my head to the side slightly. He did the nervous lip thing and gave me a smile. "Wait..Are you really?" Now I'm definitely blushing.
Spencer nodded. "Um..Yeah. *small chuckle* I've been wanting to ask you for quite some time now. But never had the right opportunity or worked up the courage ...or both." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"I-yeah! I'll go with you." Both our smiles grew.
He perked up. "Great. I'll pick you up around 6?" I nodded and watched as he went back to his desk.
Still in shock about what just happened, I went back down to the bunker. I closed the door behind me and stood there. Trying to process what happened.
"Did you get my coffee?" Garcia asked. I couldn't even respond. "(y/n)?" She turned around to look at me. I still had a huge, dorky smile and red face. She gasped. "What happened? What happened? What happened?!"
"You will not believe it." I pulled my chair over to her and sat down. "Spencer goddamn Reid just asked me out."
Penelope's smile grew as big as mine. "No way oh my god! What'd you say?"
"Obviously I said yes! He's picking me up at 6 tonight."
"You better tell me everything that happens tomorrow. No leaving out details." She held up her pinkie.
"I promise." I crossed our pinkies. Pinkie promising her.

Spencer Reid x Reader (male)Where stories live. Discover now