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Just as the San Diego show came to an end, Teddy had arrived to check on Billy and informed him that Camilla had given birth to a baby girl.

Eddie : With every show we did, Billy got even worse.

Karen : Billy had one job, and that was to sing. By the time that show had come around, he couldn't even do that.

Bonnie : It got to the point where performing had become a chore. We all knew it would be a bad show and we just had to army-crawl our way through it anyways.

Graham : To make matters even worse, Teddy had watched that performance. I thought he was gonna drop us right then and there.

Eddie : It was frustrating, you know? To give it your all from behind, while the frontman couldn't even hold himself up.

Bonnie : Teddy did managed to bring smiles to our sullen faces when he told us Camilla had the baby. I did feel bad, of course, it's not like Billy had changed much since they last spoke.

Warren : Teddy drove Billy to the hospital that night and none of us knew that would be the last time we saw Billy for a while.

Graham : Teddy had called us the following morning to tell us that Billy had checked in to a rehabilitation centre.

Karen : We didn't know where we stood as a band after that.

Eddie : We couldn't keep going because we didn't have a frontman, and we couldn't get another frontman because ours was supposed to come back.

Bonnie : I remember me and Graham went to visit Camilla in the hospital and she told us that Billy didn't even call her before he went to rehab, let alone visit them. Camilla was a strong woman, but there's only so much a person can take, I mean, she could barely get the words out as she told us.

Graham : Billy's decision definitely took a toll on all of us.

Eddie : The rest of the tour was cancelled and since we didn't know where to go from there, the record label dropped us a week later.

Warren : We had an advance to payback and we sure as hell did not have that kinda money lying around.

Eddie : [Shrugs] We went home and got jobs.

Graham : I was working at a body shop down the street.

Warren : I got a job down at Malibu Harbour cleaning boats, which I loved, and I did a lot of mushrooms with Bonnie, which I also loved.

Karen : I gave piano lessons to a bunch of spoilt brats on the weekends. Trust me, two days a week was more than enough.

Eddie : Funnily enough, I got a job as a barman at Filthy McNasty's. I mean, it helped pay the bills.

Bonnie : I worked at Filthy McNasty's with Eddie.

Eddie : That's what she told you? The only time Bonnie ever showed up for her shift was when it was happy hour, and no, she didn't even work for the hour.

Bonnie : It was a brief employment.

Graham : [Smiles] Bonnie kept the instruments in tune, if nothing else.

Bonnie : Yeah, I spent my days practising on pretty much any instrument I could find.

Camilla : Bonnie was more helpful than we gave her credit for, I mean, sure, she didn't contribute much financially, but she kept the band practising and she even helped out with Julia.

Warren : [Smiles] When I came home from work one day, I saw Bonnie playing with Julia. I don't know, man, it was just one of those moments where you could see your future very clearly. I just knew I wanted that with Bonnie someday.

Bonnie : Warren came up to me one day with an idea for a prank.

Warren : We were gonna tell Team Strings that Bonnie was pregnant.

Bonnie : We weren't just going to tell them, of course. We had a few props.

Warren : [Chuckles] Thank god those fools didn't pay much attention to detail. We took apart Julia's old highchair and started to put it back together again just as Eddie and Graham were approaching the house.

Bonnie : [Laughs] Eddie and Graham walked in just in time to see Warren drop the screwdriver on his foot.

Eddie : Okay, you know what? We were complete idiots for falling for that one.

Graham : Forgive me for being excited about the idea of being an uncle again.

Bonnie : We drew lines on pregnancy tests, we put a jumper under my top to add to the effect and we even had some of Julia's old clothes in a pile on the couch. I don't blame them for falling for it.

Warren : That was when Karen walked in...

Eddie : [Laughs] I don't think they expected it to go as far as it did.

Karen : I saw baby stuff everywhere and I was told Bonnie was pregnant. Why would I believe otherwise? I wasn't involved in the prank wars, nor did I want to be.

Bonnie : [Face palms] Then Karen got all excited. We had to tell Camilla, Camilla's mom and it almost got to the point where we had to tell Teddy.

Camilla : I caught Bonnie smoking a joint the same day and quickly gathered that it was a joke. Not to mention, Julia's old baby clothes had been rooted through in the attic. I understood how seriously they all took the prank wars and decided to stay out of that one.

Warren : That was definitely one of our longer lasting pranks. I think we kept it up for about a week. Whenever one of them would walk by, I'd place a loving hand on BonBon's stomach and then we'd laugh our heads off once they had passed.

Bonnie : It had gone far enough and we had to bring it to a halt at some point.

Eddie : We found out it was fake when Bonnie let us feel her stomach.

Graham : There was a whoppee cushion in there.

Warren : We had lost count of the score, but of course that earned Team Rhythm yet another point.

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