𝟒𝟓 | 𝐎𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭

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The band arrived in New York, where they made their debut on Saturday Night Live.

Billy : That's when we knew we made it.

Graham : It was dark by the time we arrived.

Karen : We were greeted by an onslaught of fans outside the studio.

Warren : It was crazy, man.

Bonnie : I will never forget that day. [Laughs] While I was signing someone's vinyl, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a guy down on one knee with a Ring Pop in his hands.

Warren : Not on my watch.

Bonnie : Before I could respond, Warren swooped in, took the Ring Pop and led me inside.

Warren : It was delicious, thank you for asking.

Bonnie : [Shrugs] I guess we'll never know what my life with Ring Pop Guy would've been like.

Karen : When we walked into the studio, we were brought to the backstage lounge.

Billy : Teddy was already there when we went in, said he wouldn't miss it for the world.

Graham : We relaxed a bit before the show and caught up with Teddy.

Billy : Daisy was a nervous wreck, she couldn't find her coke.

Daisy : I didn't find it, either. That was the first show I did sober.

Karen : I thought Daisy seemed a little bit on edge when we first went out.

Eddie : The audience loved us, man. We absolutely killed it.

Graham : We were on top of the world.

Warren : We were up for a bunch of Grammys, we were on a sold out tour and we had just made our debut on Saturday Night Live. Life was great, man.

Karen : Of course, the afterparty in the lounge was the place to be after the show.

Graham : We were celebrating the band, our team, our fans, our family and pretty much everything that had happened that led us to that point.

Eddie : That was when we saw people shouting and rushing outside.

Daisy : Just like that, Teddy was being brought away in an ambulance.

Billy : [Shakes head] It all happened so fast. None of us knew what to think.

Graham : We all went straight to the hospital.

Karen : When we first went in, the doctors couldn't tell us much.

Warren : It was scary, man. One minute we were celebrating, the next we were in the hospital not knowing if Teddy would make it through the night.

Bonnie : We were waiting there all night and Warren didn't let go of my hand once.

Karen : It couldn't have been easy for Bonnie to be in the hospital, especially with the maternity ward down the hall.

Daisy : At least Warren was there that time.

Billy : Everyone dosed off one by one, but I couldn't sleep. I went to the chapel and that's where I found Daisy.

Daisy : We couldn't have been talking for more than five minutes when the doctor came in and told us we could see Teddy, that he was awake.

Billy : Everyone else was asleep in the waiting room, so I went in to see him first.

Daisy : I went in after Billy, and we woke up the others after that.

Warren : I didn't want to wake up Bonnie, so I waited until morning to go in.

Graham : [Chuckles] Bonnie sleeping through the chaos is what kept us going.

Eddie : [Laughs] I still don't know how she did it, man. Sleeping soundly on Warren's chest while there were babies crying from the maternity ward, a bunch of kids running all over the place and nurses rushing around with beeping machines.

Karen : At one point, there was a child looking for something from the vending machine.

Eddie : The dad wouldn't give in, so the child started to throw a tantrum.

Graham : Kicking and screaming, the whole show.

Warren : [Laughs] Bonnie didn't even flinch.

Bonnie : [Shrugs] Don't look at me, Warren was comfortable.

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon