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The tour kicked off in Albuquerque.

Rod : We're not idiots, alright. You can't have the first show in the likes of New York or L.A. That's where all of the critics are. No, you need to start small so you can work out the kinks first.

Karen : There were so many kinks ... and not all of them were show related.

Graham : It had been a while since we were on tour together.

Eddie : It's one thing when you're living with people, at least you have separate rooms and can leave the house if need be. The bus on the other hand, there was no escape. We were all stuck together for hours on end.

Bonnie : The only thing that kept me going was when we'd stop off for gas. Ten minutes of heaven.

Warren : Tour life definitely tested our strength as a couple, I'll tell you that.

Bonnie : It was the small things that would get to you, like how Warren wouldn't refill the toilet roll.

Warren : Or how Bonnie would nag me about not refilling the toilet roll.

Bonnie : Or how Warren would say I was nagging him when I was actually making a very simple request.

Warren : Or how Bonnie's underwear would end up on my bunk - oh, wait, [laughs] that's unrelated. I have no complaints about that.

Karen : By the time we got to Albuquerque, we were all exhausted.

Graham : Twelve hours on a bus together and then a two hour sound check that somehow ended up being four hours long.

Bonnie : Daisy and Billy had a lot of arguing to catch up on.

Karen : None of us were feeling good about that show.

Eddie : [Laughs] We were already sick of each other and we hadn't even done the first show yet.

Warren : Luckily for us, a shitty rehearsal can lead to a great show.

Eddie : That first show went surprisingly well. I mean, sure, it was a first live show in a while and we were a little rusty, but nothing we wouldn't get over quickly.

Graham : The crowd loved us.

Bonnie : Yeah, man, it was great. But you know what was even better? The afterparty!

Eddie : Daisy's bus was the place to be after a show, man.

Warren : [Laughs] I still don't know how we all fit on that bus.

Eddie : [Smirks] What happens on Daisy's bus, stays on Daisy's bus.

Graham : [Chuckles] Those were the days, man.

Warren : I respect the rules of the bus and I don't kiss and tell, but Bonnie was looking extra fine that first night.

Eddie : For legal reasons, I cannot confirm or deny walking in on Bonnie and Warren in the bus bathroom.

Bonnie : I do not recall.

Warren : Us? [Chuckles] Never.

Karen : One of the benefits of having a frontman and a frontwoman in the band was that they had to do all of the press work. So we were off the hook when it came to early mornings.

Eddie : I mean, [shrugs] it's not like they wanted to talk to any of us.

Graham : [Laughs] I don't know how Daisy did it, man, she went just as hard as the rest of us.

Daisy : I don't remember doing any of it, if that helps.

Graham : [Chuckles] I'm surprised any of us remember anything from those days.

Warren : [Smiles] How could we forget? Those were the times of our lives.

Bonnie : None of us knew it would be our last tour as a band ...

𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 | 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now