Chapter Eleven

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Ben found the two older girls in the family room watching their show on MTV. "Mary," he said, getting her attention first.

Mary tried to shush him, waving her hand in his direction while engrossed in the show. It was probably helping as a distraction for her while she waited for him.

"Can you pause it?" He asked.

Claudia was the one to say, "It's live TV."

Ben stood there behind the couch with his hands on his sides. He briefly watched the reality show the girls liked to watch pretty much every afternoon after school. "How much is left?"

"It's about half over," Mary answered, still not looking away from the TV.

As soon as she said that, the show cut to a commercial break. Ben suggested talking during the break, but Mary was afraid of missing anything if the talk took too long. So, he went in search of Miguel to see how he was doing having to wait. He found him in the loft, building Legos with Kimmy. They were building their own structures. At least they were getting along.

Miguel didn't seem to have a plan and was letting his imagination lead, while Kimmy seemed to be in focus mode, building some kind of house or a structure of that nature, not even looking up when Ben asked what she was building.

"I'm making a tower to see how high it will go before it falls over," said Miguel, sounding more excited about the falling part.

He, of course, went along with the boy, showing how that would be cool. "Once the girls' show is over, we'll talk, okay?"

"Okay," Miguel said.

However, Ben had to remind Mary once the show was over and put his foot down when she tried to postpone the talk.

She reluctantly got up from the couch and dragged her feet over to him.

Ben put a reassuring hand around her shoulders and headed upstairs to grab Miguel. They used Mary's room for privacy, shutting the door behind them. The kids sat on the bed while Ben pulled the chair from Mary's desk, turning it to face them.

Ben leaned forward with his arms on his knees. "I spoke with Jennifer today. Your next court hearing is next month."

Mary turned her eyes away, as if confused. "Oh... Kay?" She looked back at him. "You couldn't tell us that in the truck?"

"That's not all of it," he said, and asked playfully, "may I continue?"

She laughed. "Well then, hurry up."

Ben gently smacked the side of her knee with the back of his hand as a playful reprimand for the sass.

"The reason I wanted to speak with you both privately is because Jennifer was able to find an aunt of yours who wants to take you both," Ben said, continuing.

Miguel frowned. "Why can't we stay here with you? And Tia Kayla?"

"Well, bud, we love having you here, but it's always been the goal for you to be with family," he explained, in the best way he hoped Miguel understood.

"Which aunt is it?" Mary asked, as if cautious.

Ben switched over to her. "She's your mom's sister."

"Tia Rosa?"

"I believe so, yes." He nodded his head. "She hasn't had contact with your mom since before Miguel was born and wasn't aware of him, nor did she know you both were in foster care. But she wants to change that and wants you to know she loves you both so much."

Miguel fidgeted where he sat on his sister's bed, leaning on his hands so they were under his legs. "But I don't know Tia Rosa."

"Don't worry, bud. There will be visits first once a week following the court hearing, then day visits, and by Christmas, you can start staying overnight if there isn't school the next day."

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