Thanksgiving: Round Two

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Quick Author's Note:

I realized recently I need to start using chapter titles. Mostly because I tend to go back in the story when I forget a character's name or detail for what's currently happening. It would probably help you as a reader, as well. 

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That evening around six, they returned to Ben's cousin's house.

Both were there at the door to greet them this time. Kimmy especially had an extra greeter happy to see her. Maple repeatedly jumped on the kid, barely letting her get a foot in the door. Kimmy was spooked at first but petted the dog until Oliver snapped his fingers, telling Maple to get down.

"She's not supposed to be jumping on people," he gently explained to Kimmy. She didn't know why it was a big deal to not let dogs jump when they were only showing how excited they were.

Archie never realized how big he was, though. It was as if he thought he was still a puppy or something and would always greet Kimmy at the door when she got home from school. Seeing how excited he was helped cheer her up after a really hard day.

Oliver gave Claudia a quick tour, being just as kind as he was to Kimmy. Even teasing the older girl about her "laidback" responses. He was interested when Claudia admitted to being good at shooting pool and challenged her to a quick game while Ariel got the food out.

Kimmy stayed to watch the game, leaning just outside the doorway with her hands shoved in her sweatshirt pocket.

Being a lot older and more experienced than the kids, Oliver and Claudia were more precise and focused on their shots.

"You are pretty good," Oliver commented halfway through the game after Claudia took her turn. "Who taught you?"

Claudia moved around the pool table, deciding where to take her next shot. "My dad. He worked at one of those bars in old town Scottsdale." She stopped and positioned the long stick on the edge of the table where it lined up with the white ball. The white ball shot towards the red-striped ball, knocking it against the far edge before knocking itself and another ball into one of the corner holes.

Oliver scanned the table before moving to the other side. "Sounds like a fun dad. Was he a cowboy?"

She shrugged. "He wished."

"Things didn't pan out the way he would have liked?" he asked with sympathy while lining up his shot.

Claudia didn't answer.

Oliver must have taken the hint. He took his shot and stood up to watch it play out before moving on, asking the usual questions adults ask kids about school and stuff.

The entire time Kimmy stood watching them, Maple laid at her feet until Kayla called her to come make her plate. This time they used regular dinner plates that could withstand the microwave. When Kimmy had all she wanted, Ariel took her plate to heat it up for her.

Maple was still following Kimmy. "You know, I never seen her take to anyone the way she's taking to you," Ariel noted out loud.

Ben was making his plate. "Kimmy's the same way with Samson," he spoke up, scooping some green bean casserole onto his plate.

"Just like you." She smiled at him.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Ben asked as if he was being accused.

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