Chapter Twenty

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Mary jumped in the truck before Kimmy had a chance to climb in that afternoon. Usually, the smallest sat in the middle seat. So it would be between Kimmy and Miguel. But Mary wanted to see how the visit went and check on her brother, who hyped up the visit while leaving out the end. It wasn't until bedtime when Ben and Kayla tucked him in, Miguel announced he didn't want to do gymnastics anymore. Ben had a guess why the sudden change, especially when Miguel requested for the bathroom door to be shut first.

"How come?" Kayla asked, sitting on his bed.

The boy shrugged. "I just don't want to. I want to play T-ball instead."

"That's fine, bud, but T-ball has already started for the fall season. You would have to wait until it starts again in the spring. The next gymnastics class starts the first week of every month."

Miguel sat there, staring downward at nothing in particular.

Ben slowly dropped beside the bed. He asked if Miguel was fine with Kayla knowing what happened.

The little boy nodded.

"So, does this have something to do with what your papi said about gymnastics being a girl's sport?"

Miguel hesitated, now hugging his Paw Patrol pillow toy to his chest.

"He said that?" Kayla asked for confirmation. Not that she didn't believe her husband. It was more for Miguel to admit it himself.

Miguel nodded without meeting either of their gazes.

"Buddy, there are plenty of gymnasts who are guys," Kayla assured him gently. "It doesn't make them any less of a man. In fact, it takes a lot of strength and endurance to be able to do flips and balance on thin boards, and you do so well already on the trampoline."

"That's what Ben said, too," Miguel said. "But Papi says lifting weights is better and that I should play T-ball."

Ben spoke up, placing a hand on the bed beside the boy. "Bud, we don't ever want to come between you and your papi and how he parents, but when it comes to what you want to do is up to you, and you alone. Not what anyone else thinks."

Miguel shrugged. "I don't want to do gymnastics anymore. And I won't jump on the trampoline either." He said it with such defiance as any kid his age would refuse to do something he was being told to do.

Kayla shrugged as well. "That's up to you. We're not gonna make you do anything. If T-ball is what you want to do, and you're still with us next spring, we can sign you up." She then asked, "is that what you want? I mean, really want?"

Miguel nodded to confirm it was, but the look on his face said otherwise. Even if he tried to mean it.

Ben felt inclined to not easily give up on the matter. Not when the kid had been so excited to do something like gymnastics with other kids his age, since Kayla had suggested it. "What if I were to make some calls and see if any gymnastics classes would let us come in to watch a class? Just to see it in action. How would that sound?"

This time, Miguel only shrugged one shoulder. He tried to stubbornly say he still wouldn't do it. He at least said, "maybe," and quickly added, "but no promises," causing Ben and Kayla to chuckle.

Both of them took turns hugging and kissing Miguel, good night, since Kayla had already read a chapter from Winn-Dixie.

The next day, Ben made some phone calls and got Miguel in to observe a gymnastics class his age. Upon seeing the large, open indoor gym, Miguel's eyes widened. There was a large trampoline floor, along with a foam pit to jump into. Mats lined the floor and walls. Scattered throughout were monkey bars and swinging rings to hold on to. There were balance beams of different heights where some of the boys walked across with help from the adults.

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