Chapter Fifteen

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The week had been a stressful one for Ben with everything that happened. He was glad to have another kiddo around, bringing them to full capacity. Though, it meant denying any other kids if a case manager called. It helped when the first question was if they had room to take a kid. There was always that curious itch in the back of his mind of wanting to know the kid's story, which would make things harder to say no. 

They knew going in, this journey would have its ups and downs, and of course, challenges. But even expecting challenges never really prepares anyone for when they happen. Not to mention Kayla was calm and level-headed, as if nothing was wrong. 

Thursday morning with the guys was always a great time, with food and laughter, and learning something new. The guys continued their study through the book of Matthew.

Ben quietly listened while the other guys took turns discussing the scriptures with such confidence. It made him feel like a kid who tries to sit with the adults at parties, but has no idea what they are talking about. 

However, one part of chapter twelve stood out to him when Jesus was healing a man who was blind and mute. It made him think of Kimmy and how she had not uttered a single word since she was dropped off. How lifeless her face looked. What could have happened that made the kid mute?

Ben had gone so deep in thought, he hadn't heard Robert across from him call his name, trying to get his attention. "Huh?" he asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

"You okay, dude?" Robert asked with concern.

Ben wiped a hand down his face and assured the other men he was fine. "Just a lot on my plate, that's all. Nothing I can't handle." He tried to put up a front. That's what men were supposed to do, right?

"You want to talk about it?" Gabe asked from beside Robert.

Ben took a long swig of his coffee. It had cooled down by now, so it wasn't good anymore. Drinking it gave him something to do, at least. "It has to do with the kids." He shared with them what he could on the surface of Mary and Miguel's situation, and Mary being rightly angry about Miguel having visits with his father.

The men agreed the father had a right to see his children.

"They wouldn't allow it if there was any evidence of a threat to the kids, I'm sure," Jack, another guy, said.

Ben agreed. Or tried to tell himself he did. In all honesty, Ben wasn't so sure. Not after seeing Mary break down.

Thankfully, the men included the situation, especially the kids, in the closing prayer among other prayer requests, and assured Ben they would keep them all in their prayers throughout their week. Ben thanked them, glad to have people in their court to talk things out with and be there in case they need any kind of help and support.

He tried to keep himself busy over the next few days so he wouldn't dwell on the anxious thoughts racing through his mind. It did not help that he was home alone with Kimmy for the rest of the week. When he was talking with the principal and vice principal, he was telling himself just as much as he was telling them it was all just being shy as a lot of kids can be. But something kept gnawing at his mind that it was something so much more.

Ben tried to push the thoughts away and distract his mind from thinking about it.

On Saturday, after breakfast, he worked under the hood of his truck, changing the oil and making sure everything was working the way it should. Miguel came out to watch and learn like Ben's dad showed him growing up. Ben wasn't as handy as his dad was, but he at least picked up the basics.

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