Sinful Jelly

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Sinful Jelly

He sighed heavily, sitting back on his comfortable office chair after a long ass day. A crystal clear glass of whisky sitting over his table, waiting for the boss to give it his attention, as he recalled his all-day activities until now.

Something unusual happened today. The day was different from all the chaotic life he lives every day which includes killing, visiting headquarters, tracking sources for the rebel group or calendaring his shipments.

But the morning started with someone screaming while rushing and rambling about being late for school.

How iconic

The crime lord seated there smiled to himself as he picked up his glass to wet his throat. He chuckled quietly looking out the large window in his office, reminiscing the moment when Mago morphed his expression into the cutest puppy ever and asked for the older's help.

Mago was so beautiful, he possessed the beauty king had never seen before. At breakfast, the way he was adorned in king's clothes made him look so soft and vulnerable. The way he used the word 'boyfriend' did something to the king's heart that he wanted to protect him from the world and eat him up at the same time. The way his plump lips pouted after every word he said sent shivers down the king's spine.

Oh, how he would love to see a teary-eyed Mago sitting on his knees, begging him for mercy, while his lips are wrapped around his ........knock?

Wait what

King looked around to find himself in his office, in his chair with a glass of whisky gripped tightly in his hand, almost on the verge of breaking. Straightening, he composed himself before giving permission to enter whoever was there outside the door.

Charlton entered the room with his tab in his hand as he walked forward near the table king was sitting at. He looked at the king silently asking if he was allowed to talk. The boss nodded his head once giving the approval.

"the route is clear for the supply vehicles, a new order is placed for twenty million of worth, others are informed for the upcoming meeting,....... and Kangsu tried to reach out, asking for a new meeting," Charlton said all professionally as he completed, ready to take further orders.

"the bodies at the station?" the king asked after he nodded at the report Charlton provided.

"all clear" Charlton replied curtly

"Kangsu and his whereabouts?" the king asked again standing up from his place while finishing his remaining drink in a gulp making the other stand alert on his spot.

"nothing suspicious or concerning ........he is clear for now" Charlton replied following King with his eyes as he watched his boss who stopped near the window to look at the busy roads down.

"hm......that's it for today then.... oh yes! What about that boy?" the king asked turning towards Charlton, pretending as if he wasn't the one thinking about 'that boy' and smiling to himself a few minutes ago.

"he must have left his school by now..." Charlton said looking down at his tab, and pressing a few options on the screen "...and now he is under some bridge near his foster home" he continued, looking back at his boss.

King hummed again, straightened his jacket, picked his device from the table, and walked towards the exit, Charlton following him.

"let's get him and go home......I have a meeting with Father after dinner" the king said marching down the corridor, his strict features showing his dominance as every other person working left his way and scattered aside.

No one messes with king

That was the power Charlton was proud to be a part of.


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