Fuck off!!!!

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Fuck off!!!!

Mr Xavier laughed loudly, his handsome features on display. Mago watched the old man with furrowed brows. King was trying to get himself together whereas Charlton was just trying to stop himself from laughing hard.

That boy was one of a kind

"of course, you could be. Although I am not sure how when his right-hand man is here with you two that's not very concerning now is it?" Mr Xavier said with a thinking face as he gestured his hand towards his son and Charlton.

Mago rolled his eyes at the old man, huffing. He stared between the three pairs of eyes that were already staring at him. one with amusement, one with a glare and one with a mischievous glint.

"I was just saying. You can stop staring at me now" Mago said loudly, eyes directed at Charlton who smirked in return. He was getting annoyed with the old people around him.

"so, since you are not having sex. May I get a small little introduction" Mr Xavier said slowly making his way towards Mago. The old man was smiling warmly at Mago which proved to be an encouragement as he came out from behind the table.

"I am Mago" Mago said "Edward Mago and you are?" he completed with a question looking up at Mr Xavier's piercing gaze towards him. The old man smiled devilishly before raising his hand for a shake. He smiled again as if studying the younger.

"Rowan Xavier, former king of this mafia and the father of your boyfriend. it's really nice to meet you" he said while taking in Mago's small hand and kissing the back of it softly. Mago regarded him for a while before pulling his hand away slowly.

He was finally impressed

"Aww, man, such a gentleman you are. How I wish I would have met you before him" Mago chimed loud enough for others to hear. As expected he was granted a death glare from his boyfriend.

"Really now? Well, I would have been honoured to meet you too" Mr Xavier replied with a small smile while he glanced his way at the king for a while.

"really. You are more handsome than mine" Mago commented earning a scowl from the king and a laugh from Mr Xavier. The old man was enjoying it very much.

"tell you what sweetheart, you are cuter than mine" Mr Xavier commented back and Mago giggled at that.

King was almost loving the conversation between his father and his love interest. It seemed that they will go along if ever king decided to just carry on with what started as a fake relationship. So far he was loving every bit of it except for some curse words thrown his way.

Mago was a sweet soul, the king interpreted. He was kind and innocent like a child but with an attitude of an asshole which was exciting, to be honest. It was just proved when Mago blurted about sex. How unbothered he was when he talked about that in front of everyone who is older than him.

Drawn to the bold words King couldn't help but picture them together in some exotic scenes. He could imagine them being together where their skin would touch in the most intimate way. Small moans that would erupt from his mouth. The pleads, the begging to wanting more and more until he is ravished in the king's hold.

The man was so much in his dreams that he didn't notice when a smile slipped the corner of his mouth which was caught by his father. Mr Xavier raised his brow in question, temporarily missing the sweet voice of his new friend who was talking nonstop.

"Hey! Don't flirt with my man young man" The door of the office opened again and in came a very stylish-looking man in his early thirties. He smiled widely and marched towards Mr Xavier and Mago.

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