Do not Fucking Disturb

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                               Do not Fucking Disturb

The same night:

It was late, nearly midnight. The mansion was falling under the quietness of the dark after a busy day of the hustle bustle of the people inside doing several things. The members of the family had retired to their rooms earlier while the staff finished their daily chores before they also could leave to go and rest in their designated quarters.

Only to follow the same routine every day.

The mansion was finally quiet with everyone where they should be, ready to rest after a long day at work. Well......except for certain someone who wasn't ready to sleep for the night, someone who had some really important task at hand.

A man, more precisely, a staff member tiptoed across the dimly lit hallways, hunched over and cautious. He looked more like a thief, looking at his back every passing second to make sure no one was following him as he cleverly moved forward to the path that led towards the upper floors.

Dressed in all black, the man had covered his head with a dark beanie and his face with a mask so he could get away from the eye of the hidden security cameras all around as he climbed up the stairs. With only his eyes visible, he sneaked past another corridor and stepped into the one that was not allowed to be entered unnecessarily.

The hallway where the crime lord's bedroom was located.

King was very specific in the past when he ordered that nobody should roam into the hallways he had forbidden, without his permission, whether he was present or not. The order was respected as a norm by all the family and staff and nobody had ever tried to trespass but that norm was about to get changed on this night.

The man, who sneaked inside, was adamant about what he was about to do. There was no stopping him.

The phone in his back pocket vibrated furiously but he ignored it, knowing very well that the boss wouldn't be happy with him, as he closed the distance between him and the room. Boss was calling and texting him nonstop, adding to his anxiety, but the man had decided not to pay attention to it until he was successful in his task.

He will deal with him later.

The memory of him arguing with his boss a few minutes earlier, and the other lashing out at him, was still fresh in his mind. He smiled rebelliously as he wondered what the boss's reaction would be when he would see the best surprise of his life.


"what the hell are you doing?" the boss whispered yelled at him through his cell phone and the man flinched where he was standing behind a pillar, waiting with a large kitchen knife in his hand. He had waited for the kitchen to get free of any other worker before he stole the knife from the stand.

"what do you mean?" he asked feigning cluelessness. The other didn't buy his act though, he sighed loudly and tiredly while the man waited for an answer.

"don't play dumb with me, you moron. Go back to your quarters where all the other staff should be. If they got suspicious of you, you are going to regret it" the boss muttered nearly angry, trying to calmly convey his concern.

The man, on the other hand, felt exposed with the boss's bluntness. He felt fury rising in him.

"how do you know where I am?" he asked lowly, trying to breathe normally not to give the impression that he was angry, as he looked around the quietness of the manor.

"I have my sources that you don't need to worry do as I say. Go back to your quarters and wait for my order" the boss instructed with authority not leaving any space for argument but the man wasn't ready to listen.

King Mafia and MagoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon