I Lava You

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                                        I Lava You

Days were passing by quite normally since the incident of early morning puking a few days ago, and the boy was once again in full spirit. He was busy most days with eating what he liked, doing his favourite job (mafia job) and finding new interests that somehow were really out of the box and a next-level creative.

His happy laugh, chaotic adventures and naughtiness were like a dose of freshness to everyone residing inside the manor. Nobody dared to address the utter fondness every maid and worker had for the young boy as they watched his bubbly personality running up and down in that once-silent mansion.

Mago was like an innocent child who knew how to find his own happiness with whatever means and that's what others appreciated.

He was so pure and kind until he wasn't.

Another day of bad feeling in the stomach and puking came out of nowhere, destroying the early morning and usually happy Mago altogether. The boy was hunched over the toilet bowl and was heaving with difficulty as he threw what seemed like only clear water.

King was beside his boyfriend, rubbing his sides and whispering comforting words.

The boy cried softly, fists curling, as he emptied his guts. With stomach churning and throat burning, Mago once again swore to never eat again. Hearing that, King could only sigh in response knowing very well that his lovely boyfriend would jump on his feet the moment food was in his sight.

That's just how Mago is.

"you should stop eating junk food baby, it is turning into food poisoning" King suggested as he rubbed the younger's back, making Mago moan when his sour muscles protested in return.

"don't be a fucking mom right now. I can't deal with you" he muttered tiredly, grimacing at the disgusting taste spread in his mouth. King rolled his eyes.

The boy struggled to stand up and the king helped him through. They didn't exchange any more words as King led the boy towards the sink and started to clean him thoroughly.

Once done, the baby boy was escorted outside the bathroom, cocooned in a bathrobe, and was made comfortable on the bed. When King stepped back so the boy could rest, Mago whined, wrapping his arms around King's middle and burying his button nose in King's stomach, rubbing it up and down.

King's heart melted as brushed the younger's hair back lovingly and raised Mago's face up to plant a long kiss on his forehead.

"sleep a little more baby, it's still early." the older suggested fondly. Mago only hummed and fell back, taking King with him on the bed.

He buried his face in the older's chest and hooked his leg around the king's pelvis.

"sleep a little more baby......it's still fucking early. Not a bird is up" the boy replied mimicking King's tone making the older laugh amusedly and squeeze Mago in his hold.


The next time Mago woke up, he was alone in the bed. King wasn't in the room and the room was no longer dark. The balcony was open, straining sunlight inside and making the room warmer.

The boy jumped on his feet and rushed to get ready for a meeting that was scheduled in about an hour. He got ready in King's blue silk shirt, grey pants and a pair of fuzzy yellow socks. With tall uggs adorning his small feet, the boy was all ready to leave.

Jumping down the stairs, Mago decided to stop by the kitchen when his stomach growled in hunger. The breakfast time was up but Mago proceeded to the kitchen to demand something anyway.

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