Cannibalistic Uwu's

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Cannibalistic Uwu’s

Mago rushed back to the room and then into the bathroom with a naughty smirk after seeing King ascending the stairs with his dominating aura. The boy has been waiting the whole day for the king to return to their room so he could apply his plan of action that he has made carefully with his soulmate over the cell phone.

Although Mickey asked Mago about the reason, he was planning for, again and again, however,  the younger decided not to spill until the job was done.

Not to jinx it, you know.

He asked questions he deemed necessary from Mickey and shut him up saying ‘I will tell you later’ before ending the call.

Mickey trusted his friend so he didn’t pry anymore.  

One would think that Mago was crying, refusing to eat and talk to anyone because he was refused to get what he wanted.

Please……It isn’t true in the slightest.

The boy hasn’t learned to stop pursuing what he set his eyes on until there is literally nothing worth of trying.

He knew an empty stomach wouldn’t do him any good if the matter got out of hand and that’s why he has filled his little tummy with delicious steak and mashed potatoes with a side of chocolate and his favourite slushy, courtesy to Jayce who had no idea what was going on while he fulfilled the younger’s desire.

Mago was adamant about joining the mafia, to take the position of Kangsu.

He has gone through his mind for hours and came up with a pleasant way through which he can persuade King to do as the boy pleases, without a doubt.

After discussing the idea thoroughly with Mickey, with all the pros and cons possible, the boy has come to a solid plan that King won’t be able to refuse.

You guessed it, the baby boy charm.

The boy rushed to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at his reflection carefully, studying every detail that he worked on. He adjusted his black silk sleepwear, a shirt that barely reached to cover his ass paired with the shortest shorts possible, on his body. He ruffled his hair to make them look fluffier before putting on King’s favourite scent.

Fairy Godmother Lucy has assisted the boy in providing of the necessary things that would work right on the spot for Mago.

The boy was ready, a little nervous but ready.

The door of the room opened and Mago breathed heavily, he approached the door of the bathroom and held the handle waiting for the perfect time.


King entered the room after a long day of meetings and other schedules which included a small visit of Mickey in his office.

Earlier, he was informed about Mago refusing to eat food and meeting with his best friend which got King worried about his boyfriend. He came back to their room looking for his boyfriend to apologize and offer some goodies only to find the room empty.

He looked around but Mago was nowhere.

‘Maybe he is downstairs or outside in the garden, sulking with an irresistible pout’ King thought in his mind.

With a sigh, he threw his jacket on the chair and opened his shirt’s upper buttons while thinking hard about how to make Mago happy again. Just as he turned around to leave the room to find his boy, the door of the bathroom opened and in came Mago with his sexy outfit and a face of attitude bitch.

King’s breath hitched as he fixed his eyes on the younger’s sexy appearance in the room. The younger looked nonchalant as he stood there with something in his hand, a lotion bottle maybe, before he raised his head in King’s direction.

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