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Bianca couldn't control the nerves in her body. When the group came closer to the entrance of the dungeons, her hands begin to shake. She holds them behind her back the remainder of the walk so her friends don't question her, staying silent as they all sprout into conversation.

Pansy had sent a group text telling everyone that the password for today was "Serpent". Finally, the group turn the final corner and begin to descend the stairs down.

The booming music becomes more noticeable and Bianca's mind begins to daze off, her body still there but her mind in another world. Mindlessly, her body follows the girls in after Padma had said "Serpent."

Bianca is pulled back into the world by the continuous flashing lights of green; large crowd and empty bottles of firewhisky that scatter amongst the floor.

"Eeek!" The owner of the squeal can be distinguished by the girls in almost a second. "My loves, you here— Oh my god B, you look hot," Pansy practically screams as she eyeballs Bianca's body and let's out a laugh. Bianca feels her being tugged into a hug by Pansy.

"Merlin, i'm no better than a man. Malfoy's gonna drool!" Bianca receives a small wink at the girl as she pulls out of the hug.

"You look quite lovely, Pansy," Luna comments from beside Bianca. Pansy returns by giving her a hug and a small thank you, before moving to complement Cho and Padma.

Barely audible over the music, Bianca hears Luna mutter, "I wonder if there's any nargles in here." The girl turns to Bianca, slipping off one of her many bracelets, "Here you go, Bianca. This will keep any nargles away— Oh, and my father also says it brings good luck." With a warm smile, the girl skips away, her eyes in a far away world.

Feeling the sides of her mouth tug up into a even wider smile, Bianca feels her cheeks begin to hurt. She turns back to the other girls as their conversation dies down from shouting to silence.

"What's up?" Bianca's eyes furrow as she starts at the group who stair back at her dumbly. She feels awkward with all their eyes on her so she repeats herself, "Hello? I said what's up." A laugh escapes her lips.

"Nothing, just chatting," Pansy replies with a suspicious smirk. Bianca has a bad feeling and doesn't even want to push, however her curiosity gets the best of her.

"What we're you guys talking about?" Her question isn't much of a question but more a demand, asking them to tell her.

The girls all reply different answers simultaneously.

"Quidditch," says Cho.

"The weather," says Pansy, forgetting they're in the dungeons. She face palms herself once she realises.

"Uh- Harry Potter?" Padma stumbles on her words as she had no clue what to say.

"We were talking about how nice the weather was when Harry was playing Quidditch!" Pansy says this as if it was the most obvious thing is the world and Bianca just lets out a laugh. She didn't know if they knew, but Harry's last game had been over three weeks ago as he was out to injury.

That boy and always getting into trouble.

Though, the look on Cho's face told Bianca that she knew. Bianca could read her best friend like a book, because they never hid anything from each other. Though, deciding to drop it and wanting to have a fun night. She walks past them with a yell, "Let's go drink some fire whiskey!"

Her hands shoot up in a cheer as she and the girls move past the drunken witches and wizards who are dancing with each other. Or more on each other.

As they get to the table, Bianca instantly pours herself a shot. The rest of the girls follow her actions, then raising their glasses in the air. Raising her own, the girls click their glasses together. Her mouth ready to scream, "cheers," but the girls say something else that catches her off guard.

LOVE TEXTING, DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now