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Bianca didn't believe someone's world could crumble under five seconds, but in that moment she was proved wrong. With two unknowing Slytherin boys, Blaise and also Pansy staring at her, she begins to shuffle awkwardly. Her gaze still lurks on her feet, not daring to face the blonde boy.

Draco's soft whisper travels to her quicker than anything else, "Bianca— What?"
Bianca's eyes shoot up drifting over the crowd anxiously. She doesn't dare contemplate what they think of her. The embarrassment floods her like a overflowing dam and her face turns bright red.

"Wait. You're the girl?" Draco puts his hand up in protest but Bianca has none of it.

"The Girl? What's that supposed to mean?" Bianca's face scrunches up, hurt.

"Well it's just—" But Draco's words are cut off by Pansy and Bianca is left trying to fill the gaps of his sentence.

"B chill, it's okay!" Pansy dares to cut in. She doesn't understand Bianca's fear of Draco's disapproval.

Bianca almost dares to laugh, Draco's comment running through her mind. You're the girl. The girl? What's that supposed to mean. Is it such a bad thing?

With anger and embarrassment flooding her veins, she shoves past Draco's tall frame. She makes a run for the door, not daring to look back as they protest. Halfway down the hall she stumbles when a hand grips at her wrist, "Hey-hey Bianca, don't run."

Dracos smooth voice almost soothes her, but the embarrassment overtakes any feelings she feels towards him. It is written all over her face as she turns to look at him, wide-eyed and insecure about her scuffled appearance.

Her open mouth snaps shut as she looks him in his eyes. Those stony eyes flash with emotion for a second to long and Bianca swallows up all of it. Questioning, confusion and... almost what looks like fire. It was so overbearing that it could've been as though his eyes were truely burning. Burning with what, though? That was Bianca's question.

"I-I Can't," she bows her head with a shake. "Please let go." Her begging and pleading do little and for a moment they sit in a silence, one that feels so loud yet there isn't actually any noise, only the thoughts spinning inside Bianca's head.

After a few moments, the grip is released, Bianca missing the emotion that flashes through his eyes. Hesitance.

Taking her opportunity, she runs the rest of the way back to her common-room. She doesn't care whether the hall monitors will catch her in her state. It's the least of her worries.

Rather, she cares about getting to the safety of her bed where she can finally let out all the emotions that were threatening to spill. Tears of anger, embarrassment, rejection. Everything.

She couldn't bare the rejection from Draco. Although he didn't directly say it, or even know how she feels for him it still hung in the air. What she thought was the disappointment in his tone when he found out it was her. Though they've never spoken much, she didn't understand what was so disappointing about it being her. This was what she was trying to avoid in the first place, though she let her emotions take over her the previous night and that led to her stupid actions.

She slaps a hand onto her face as she finally sinks into her bed, making sure the rest of the girls are fast asleep. She looks towards Cho, who lets out a loud snore, still sound asleep. Obviously the girls would be with the ungodly hour of the morning it was, she doesn't understand how all the Slytherins were wide awake.

With a sigh, she slides mindlessly cleans herself up, washing her face while she allows her thoughts to scatter. Aimlessly, she moves for her bed once she finishes with herself, ready to get a proper rest in an actual bed.

"Merlin I swear I have bad luck. I must be cursed," Bianca groans to no one in particular, rolling from her back to her side. A thought pops up into her head and she sits up to reach her old clothes that she discarded on the floor, searching for her phone. However, she feels nothing.

Eyes wide and movements frantic she shoots up in realisation. With another frustrated groan, she kicks her foot forward and her toe meets the hard surface of her bed frame. "My my Godrick Gryffindor," she wails in pain. Her hand slaps over her mouth, muffling out any of the pain as she bounces on one leg, the other bent up in the air as she rubs her toe. As the pain fades away she turns her head to see whether any of the girls woke up, thankfully they hadn't.

"I. Am. Cursed. Where's Trelawney when you need her!" She whisper shouts in anger. With her millionth groan of the day, she flops down into her bed, ready to sleep through the rest of the day in mourning.

Mourning for what exactly? Who knows. Maybe her toe, maybe Draco and Astoria, maybe the group finding out or maybe even her phone. Or maybe it's the fact that she knows she cannot avoid him, no matter how big the school is... and also the fact that he has her phone.

"The astronomy tower is calling my name," she mumbles before she's pulled into a well needed slumber.

I'm so sorry about being inactive and for the short chapter. I do have exams coming up and i'm super swamped with assessments at the moment, but i'll try my best to stay active with new updates on the story!
We don't have a big Draco reaction as they haven't really gotten to know each other yet, but don't worry there's much for fiery reactions and drama to come😉
See you at the next update,
Love L🤍

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